Angelina Abreu and Porter met at St. Leo University in St. Leo, Florida. It’s been about 15 years since they’ve spoken, and today Angelina joins him for a reacquaintance chat. They reminisce and catch up on their present lives. Angelina …
Nikki Bradley is the founder of Nichely. She's a brand strategist who helps female entrepreneurs build their personal and business brands. She helps the business leaders of organizations become brand ambassadors while building their personal brands. Nikki comes from a …
Mark Havenner is an executive leadership and marketing communications consultant helping business leaders and organizations communicate with their audiences. Businesses need to have a greater sense of purpose than just the bottom line. Consumers want to support companies that are …
Scott Edwards may not be very funny, but he knows a lot of funny people. Really funny people. People like Jay Leno, Seinfeld, and Bob Saget. The list goes on and on.
Scott Carley, aka the Change Energizer, is a speaker and business coach for entrepreneurs and business owners, particularly when they are facing times of transition.
Porter’s guest is Bracha Goetz, author of 41 books (and counting). Through her illustrated children's books, she aims to help people of all ages grow spiritually. As a young girl, Bracha had a food addiction that was healed after she …
Sharon Schneider is an author, speaker, consultant, and entrepreneur who helps wealthy individuals and corporations align their decisions with their values.
Forgiveness, humility, and sacrifice are the values we’re focusing on in September. Today Porter talks with Christopher Kirk, a father of two and former infantryman.
Today Porter chats with Ms. Lynda, his mom, founder of Fit by Ms. Lynda and author of Please Put My Legs in the Car and Mom, I Can’t Lose You. As you might be able to guess from the titles …
Taxes, if they are a certainty in life, they may as well be taken seriously and discussed with humor. There's a right way, a wrong way, and the government's way when it comes to filing them. If you value financial …
Jennifer Furlong, host of the Communication TwentyFourSeven Podcast, is here with Porter to talk all things communication. Her passion is to help others become more confident and competent communicators. She helps clients turn nervous energy into fuel to research, reflect, …
Man of many talents, Ernie Porthouse is Porter’s guest today. Listeners are in for a treat. Ernie has a lot of life experience yet he has the energy and idealism of someone much younger. When inspiration strikes, he has the …
CEO of Textdrip, Phil Portman, came from humble beginnings, one of seven children. As a young man, he was focused on having enough money and was determined to be a millionaire one day. Through hard work and some key decisions …
The core values we’re focusing on for August are tact, generosity, and justice. Porter goes stream-of-consciousness about how our values impact the future of work. Individuals are valuing work that is more fluid which will allow for more creativity, passion, …
Austin Utter is a full-time truck driver, traversing from the Atlantic to the Mississippi River, going as far south as Panama City, FL. Today, Austin meets fellow trucker Jonesy on the air. One drives an 18-wheeler, the other a dually …
Casey is a former active-duty Marine and a comedian. He has lived all over the US, has traveled abroad, and is currently pursuing comedy, doing the comedy club scene.
Back in the day, to join the military, most applicants needed little more than a medical doctor’s stamp of approval. Today it’s a bit more involved. The Marine Corps and other branches of the military have rather strict rules regarding …
Porter’s guest for today’s episode is Robert Bellew, a resident Floridian for more than three decades and an outdoorsman for even longer. It’s the Fourth of July, so naturally there is a discussion about fireworks, grilling versus smoking meats, beef …
Today with social media, it is too easy to replace what life experiences you may be lacking for those of someone else. When we are out of balance as an individual, partnership or team, the opportunity to reconnect, converse, express …
Loyalty to a brand is a personal choice, but a corporate focus. How to create an atmosphere for individuals to feel comfortable, welcomed, part of a family, valued? Why leave that brand? Organizational brands mimic personal relationships. Our character is …
For those times when your juggling everything that life throws at you without any formal circus training, playing the ringleader can seem daunting. Some days, on top of your own goals and aspirations, balancing a family can seem near impossible. …
Life is confusing and often can be overwhelming. "Be yourself," in certain situations, "Be a man," in others. "Grow up!" "That's not ladylike." There is a lot of value in authenticity; but there is a lot of complexity in balancing …
Let's be honest, that was a terrible idea. Why would you say something like that? How did they deserve that? What could you have said differently? It's not who you are; it is how you responded. It is how you …
Like the seed, that in the fall must grow roots deep to survive and then rest before feeding and growing in the spring, or like the plants that must become stronger in spite of the stresses of life, so too …