Teenagers can use multiple platforms expressing written ideas on social media. Communicating via podcasting puts fear of public speaking to the forefront. Teachers leave lasting impressions on their students. Teaching others and sharing life experiences to inspire others is influential …
Growing up with strong values and character development instills the fortitude to achieve. Morals and integrity are expected in The Department of Defense. Cultural simulations and realisms are critical to military training. We depend on the experts to learn habits, …
Imagine your office is a toy store and your day is focused on playtime. That doesn't have to end with Kindergarten. Technology may make play time more varied, but less experiential. The impact of digital playtime has to be explained …
Imagine as a child envisioning yourself as a performer in Broadway shows all over the world! Dreams can come true! You have to play an active role in the direction you take. Whether you sink or swim, it's important to …
Once a hobby, Podcasting has become an educational tool. Listeners can tune in for relaxation, information, and direction. Video Podcasts have become more popular with Covid's forced isolation worldwide. The Host's ingenuity to present interesting topics, coupled with finances and …
Transacting Value showcases a conversations about the role and impact of values and character development within a respective industry. Join us every Monday morning at 9 AM EST on our website Transacting Value Podcast.com, an...
Observing life, situations, and people from a creative perspective is an art. Putting those observations to print or in script for the big screen takes perseverance, skill and consideration of what will appeal to others. The days of using imagination …
What you put into your body determines your internal well-being. Your holistic fitness helps you accomplish your goals. The better you feel, the more motivated you become. Discipline with fitness and food is a lifestyle not a fad; your future-self …
Be your own advocate for what you believe. Information communicated should be genuine, real, trustworthy, accurate and reliable. It is okay to have diverse perpectives; but the key is to understand, empathize and accept opinions. If you value serving your …
Live your life with a martial arts mentality. Have discipline, integrity and a strong character with physical skills. With time and experience comes wisdom. Balance work, life, and money but realize time, family and faith are invaluable. If you value …
To be accepted by others, we have to learn to accept ourselves. To be honest with others, we have to be honest with ourselves. Be a trendsetter. Make your own mark, but be true to yourself. If you value being …
What you say, how you say things, and how you act determines the responses and reactions of others. You can't control others' perceptions; but, you can learn to understand that differences in interpretations exist. Patience, empathy, and compassion go a …
Honesty starts from within. You can't be honest with others unless you are honest with yourself. The value you place on yourself and your character influences others perception of you. It is human nature to draw towards positive people and …
Business dealings are rarely based on individual character; they start regulated financial fitness. Financial management has evolved from bartering and handshakes, to holding contracts and stipulations. Eighteen year-olds have limited understanding of the effects of financial decisions made today that …
Today we're discussing the inherent but underrated December core values of Faith, Hope, and Joy as strategies for character discipline and relative success, with the Founder of A Better Place Consulting, Bunny Young. We cover different aspects of constructive, critical, …
Today we're discussing the inherent but underrated December core values of Faith, Hope, and Joy as strategies for character discipline and relative success, with host of the podcast What Makes You Happy, Jake Pearson. We cover different aspects of constructive, …
Deborah Johnson is an inspirational speaker, author, and international award-winning music artist who helps others get unstuck by producing and executing a plan for their second half of life. She is also the co-host of the Women at Halftime podcast.
After watching the burning Twin Towers from a rooftop in NYC on September 11, 2001, he wrote a poem, “Jazz for Peace.” A few weeks later, he performed the poem at a concert, and later put the poem to music. …
One lesson that is difficult for many students to grasp is that there is rarely one right answer when it comes to managing teams, people, and projects. For generations who grew up on multiple-choice tests where there was only one …
Porter and Ari discuss the evolution of, the popularity of, and the competition that surrounds podcasting. The days of making some extra money by recording weekly conversations with your buddies in the garage are over. There is so much competition …
This episode explores the question: "What are you grateful for?" Showcasing podcast contributors from around the world, who despite varied backgrounds; upbringings; languages; religious beliefs; occupations; sexual orientations; political leanings; and socio-economic standings; all have one thing in common. Values …
“For people who are hungry to learn and self-educate, there is a lot of opportunity.” “There is a social aspect of being human in cyberspace.”
“You can go through life being a sourpuss, or you can take the other road. I’ve done both in my life, and the road of gratitude is so much smoother.”
Alrighty folks, welcome back to Season 3, Episode 19 of Transacting Value Podcast! Debbie Ausburn is a lawyer, author, founder of Other People’s Children, and parent to other people's children. She brings much insight to the ...