Be your own advocate for what you believe. Information communicated should be genuine, real, trustworthy, accurate and reliable. It is okay to have diverse perpectives; but the key is to understand, empathize and accept opinions. If you value serving your …
Live your life with a martial arts mentality. Have discipline, integrity and a strong character with physical skills. With time and experience comes wisdom. Balance work, life, and money but realize time, family and faith are invaluable. If you value …
To be accepted by others, we have to learn to accept ourselves. To be honest with others, we have to be honest with ourselves. Be a trendsetter. Make your own mark, but be true to yourself. If you value being …
What you say, how you say things, and how you act determines the responses and reactions of others. You can't control others' perceptions; but, you can learn to understand that differences in interpretations exist. Patience, empathy, and compassion go a …
Honesty starts from within. You can't be honest with others unless you are honest with yourself. The value you place on yourself and your character influences others perception of you. It is human nature to draw towards positive people and …
Business dealings are rarely based on individual character; they start regulated financial fitness. Financial management has evolved from bartering and handshakes, to holding contracts and stipulations. Eighteen year-olds have limited understanding of the effects of financial decisions made today that …