From the road in the Australian bush, our guest host is bringing his perspective on our January core values of Ambition, Perseverance, and Reflection to the forefront of his long-haul drive. Jonesy is also the host of the Walkabout segment on Survival Dad YT the video series, and a long-distance father on top of it all. What does ambition have to do with heartbreak? Why does perseverance equate to horsepower? How do these values align to Dave Ramsey's "Baby Steps"? If you have ever felt heartbreak or just needed a change in perspective, then this episode is for you.
Righto folks, welcome back to Season 2, Episode 4 of Transacting Value Podcast.
From the road in the Australian bush, our guest host is bringing his perspective on our January core values of Ambition, Perseverance, and Reflection to the forefront of his long-haul drive. Jonesy is also the host of the Walkabout segment on Survival Dad YT the video series, and a long-distance father on top of it all. What does ambition have to do with heartbreak? Why does perseverance equate to horsepower? How do these values align to Dave Ramsey's "Baby Steps"? If you have ever felt heartbreak or just needed a change in perspective, then this episode is for you.
We cover different aspects of constructive, critical, and honest feedback between you and yourself, or other people. Together, we tackle self-esteem, introspection, physical, emotional, and mental recovery. If you are new to the podcast, welcome! If you're a continuing listener, welcome back! Thanks for hanging out with us and enjoying the conversation. Values still hold value.
Special thanks to the Patriot Empowerment Institute, and The Bee and the Bear Creations for your support. Thanks to Fit by Ms. Lynda and Dave Ramsey for your inspiration.
www.facebook.com/The-Bear-and-The-Bear-Creations www.instagram.com/fitbymslynda
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Until next time, I'm Porter. I'm your host; and that was Transacting Value.
An SDYT Media Production I Deviate from the Norm
All rights reserved. 2021
Alrighty folks. Welcome back to our next episode of SDYT, the podcast, where values still hold value. We're talking about a few different topics with a few different guests and even some personalities about realistic perspectives.
In building resiliency, finance, fitness, mental, and spiritual health. As always, if you want to contribute material or join us on an episode, email survival dad y t at gmail dot com.
Or message on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube. Now if you're new to the podcast, welcome Thanks for stopping in. And if you're returning, welcome back.
Thank you for hanging out with us for a little bit. To everyone watching, Subscribe, ring the bell. That way you get notifications every time a new episode comes out. I'm really glad you guys stopped by, so let's cover our next episode.
Righto. Jones here? We've got a last minute call from Porter. Tends out he's a little onto the Will, I'm out here back on the road. I figured I'd give my leg up. Try to help him out a bit, a school made of mine.
Core values, he tells me, ambition, perseverance and reflection, I believe he said. That's what we're gonna talk about here today too. Now, I don't have any other guest speakers. Can't even go back and forth with Porter's witty banter.
But it's alright. And we're gonna sit down for a bit and go through a few different topics. With that being said, I suppose moving forward? I am not Porter. I am not normally your host. However, this is this DYT the podcast.
Righto. So to all the new listeners at the podcast? First of? Welcome. My name is Josie. Normally, I'm hosting Walk About on the survival dead y t video series. However, if you're returning listener or continuing listener, welcome back.
I am delighted you're here. Especially because there's a few things I wanna discuss. Namely here in the month of January, I've been hearing topics about ambition. Now, this is my take on it.
I like ambition. It gives you a bit of drive, maybe it requires some initiative, but basically what it means is you've established some goals in your life that you want to ideal aspire to achieve or accomplish, maybe.
Gaul setting is not 1 of the things that I have developed, I would say, in my career is a longer distance driver. Alright. Now, That being said, I have developed this over a few decades of past experiences, namely my own.
In what we're going to discuss. As far as ambition is concerned, it's not necessarily how to move your life up from where you are. At present, whatever that means for you. But how to move your life past.
Just past. Doesn't have to be upward progression. Certainly not downward progression. It's just getting through something. Right? Sometimes ambition is as simple is identifying how you want to get through a particular situation.
For example, you see in my life, at 1 point time. Let me paint this story for you here. We're gonna talk for a minute. You are I don't know. About a 1. 5 meters tall, call it around 5 feet maybe a little less.
Slightly on the oiler side of skin complexion. Right? It your hair maybe is parted in a way that is not advantageous for your social climb. Your demeanor, you're bearing, your attentiveness to social cues.
Let say is not at all in a positive upward direction, that might facilitate the increasing quantity of your friendship circle. Alright? And let's top this off with your best friends reside in books and I don't know you are 15 years old.
Alright? Now, if you're playing the home game, this is the ripe environment for any other predatory animal? Outside of the human race, to be able to target that individual, likely a bit weaker than its peers.
Now, either this individual is going to seek to blend in for survival or inadvertently going to stand out enough to where that poor Zebra is gonna get picked off quick.
So in this particular story in sitting, I was that zebra. I had an opportunity, I suppose if I really wanted to to style my hair differently, To better identify quality individuals with whom I could spend my time?
Or maybe even potentially Just better occupy my time with something a bit more socially acceptable than say reading a chapter book science experiments in Math problems.
I did not. This is where my first mistake, however, my first life lesson began to occur.
See there I was, which you might consider secondary school, which you might consider high school, which you might consider anything between and I think I've had it 8 and twelfth grade.
So there I was about teen years old fitting this well very fitting description of an individual who is a little bit more outcast but not enough to be overly bullied every day.
What? Now, just on the fringe, on the cusp. There I was walking around, talking to a good mate of mine. And everything was going swell that day, everything was fine.
As we go about our the school day ends. I go to walk out of the school, out of the building out the door. And I see this girl. Now, she's walking out the front ahead of my friend and I.
And as we are walking he says to me, wow. I bet you won't go talk to her. Now, me set the stage for my friend. As you might be assuming, my friend and I were in a very select group of individuals.
Our grades were pretty high, overall. Our egos and self esteem, fairly high, at least in the fantasy realm. And our actual social standing especially in school probably a bit lower than our wizard and mage levels.
Now, as we begin to talk and hang out, and he poses me with this challenge. I decide. Alright. That's fine. The worst that can happen in my now well calculated decision, is nothing changes.
That's it. Well, that's not entirely true. See, as it turned out, the worst that could happen is she acknowledges my attempts in a conversation. Now I don't know how to follow-up. So I say alright.
I walk up to her as she's walking out the door. And I said, good day. She turned, and she said, hello. Now, I don't fully understand what my plan was past that point. But it certainly didn't involve a response from her or from me.
The extent of my plan was I can't tell this if I talk to her. But what happens if she talks back? I don't know I've never been in that circumstance before, at least not 1 that I've initiated, especially not 1 where it succeeded.
So now I don't know to do. I figured, alright, well, be normal. Right? And if you are listening to this, being normal is relative.
What normal means for you, what normal means for your style, Your mentality, your perspective, your background, your family, your upbringing, your region, your culture, your society is relative.
It's all different But when I thought be normal, I thought, well, whatever my image is, of somebody who fit the mold, so some sort of sports player or whatever, There in the school, what was the average personality type?
For what I thought she would rather go for. Now, let's put polls on there for a second. And let me describe to you this girl. Alright. So, like and I was about a meter and a half tall.
She was told that I was. A bit thinner, perhaps. Definitely. A cheeria disposition. Shai, slightly quiet, a little bit timid. As far as I could tell, mostly kept to herself and but otherwise, very pretty and personable.
However. What I did not realize is that our conversational skills were drastically not the same level. Alright. Now you understand hair, me and my mate. Of the of us. I was now engaged in this setup. Right? Flying in freeze I could.
Wandering around trying to make this successful. The definition of that success, I had no idea The qualifiers for that success, I had no idea. But what I did know they being able to identify my ability to start this conversation.
With 1 step, it might turn into something. There was a more comparable and fun time to get through. Right? Alright. Now. This conversation in this entire moment of awkwardness, carries through for about the next 3 to 4 minutes.
If that we know, Everybody is leaving school. Now, while we're doing this, I walk outside to see only. I, mother, waiting in the car line, watching me intently. But her father, waiting in the car line as well, watching her intently.
You see 1 thing had already happened. Head indirectly met her father. This was not a strong suit of mine. She there were many adult individuals at the time, male most that I could not necessarily relate to.
I don't care much about football, rugby, cricket, any other sports, I generally don't care much about, well, anything than science reading and math. My head was not in the present moment.
So then I needed to realize that if I had realized, I suppose, that I will better able to make a decent impression indirectly to either her or prove to my mother some sort of confidence and competence in this new realm.
Maybe I could have handled better. I still did not have a plan. Now, pausing that moment in time, that sets the stage for what going to discuss about ambition.
This may be for some listeners, a topic that doesn't necessarily relate. I understand that. However, unrequited or required it responded call it.
First loves, I think are a common experience. So when we're discussing our vision, the only logical pathway to go for a particular call it first relationship of any sort of scale. Is the first break up.
You see, ambition to me involves recovery. In involves a second wind, mentally, physically whatever. Ambition to me is not only setting goals to make yourself better, It's sitting benchmarks just to help yourself get through.
Right? So we went off years after that. Everything went fairly smooth. I remember 1 day, I'm walking in to the house from the front yard.
Mine. And as I'm walking in, I'm talking to her on the phone. Everything's fine. Conversation's good. Right? For laughing, we're talking. We've actually been dating now for a few years, maybe.
Maybe a little less. And she says it first. And when you hear it, you know there's only 1 of 2 ways it can go. You respond with the appropriate response, or you don't. And if you don't, have a plan to salvage, right, disaster control?
Well, the other option here, I didn't have a plan. I responded out of reflex. Right. So she threw the l word out, and as I've already stated in some of these survival dead while IT videos. This isn't a topic, uncomfortable discussing.
It makes me feel funny. However, it's necessary. So when she said, I love you. I thought Well, I love you too. However, the bigger problem was, that's exactly what came out of my mouth as well. It wasn't a matter of what was on my mind.
It was a matter of what came out of my mouth because there when I said it and I realized I said it, I realized there was no going backwards. But I didn't even know what that meant. Love. What is love? What did that even mean?
Right. I didn't know. I didn't have a baseline necessarily, not like that. In hindsight, was it there? I don't know. Probably not. Not at the time. Not at first. However, that's what I said. That's what she said.
Then it got strange or stranger to me, I guess. Or stranger to I guess. Say, every time we talked then from their point forward, she continued to end every conversation with. I love you. Or love you. To which I probably responded.
I love you too. Or love you. 2. Right? And it face value. That's alright. It's cute. It's adorable. Right? It's a nice gesture. It's whatever you want to fill in the blank here with. However, it's still made me feel stuck.
So 1 day, she said, I of you? At the end of a conversation? And I said, oh, to which she responded? What? I followed up with, what what? Exactly. Now as you might imagine, this particular string of conversational log was not ideal.
Really for either party in hindsight? However, I I recovered. I explained the situation upfront with some honesty and said, well, I did respond to you initially, and it's not that I don't like you.
Said I don't really understand what love is, so how can I actually say it? And now that I've realized that, I just want you to know.
As you might imagine listening to this story, she didn't take that lightly. She proceeded very abruptly to end the com station by silence. Just like that. That's it. That's how it ended.
There was no goodbye. There was no of you. There was no I'm sorry. There was no nothing. It was in conversation full stop. So I had a choice to make. Let this 1 simmer is what I did and let it rest overnight, which is what I did.
Or call back, address the situation fix it directly. Well, I couldn't do that. So as I let it go overnight, I waited. Woke up the next morning, realized the error of my ways. She was a great girl. Right? Awesome. Beauty.
So I said, let me call back. I explained to us smooth it over for the most part we addressed our problems. What was it though that I could do to redeem myself? So I gave it an attempt. In giving it an attempt, we were able to reconcile.
I nail on the would, to a greater degree, the value of their commitment. What those words meant, I thought. As we're going through this relationship, and it's developing into what it was, which at their point in time I was maybe be 17.
Give or take. We rolled back into it. Right? Well, then I'm about to graduate weight. She was not in the same class I was, the same grade. Right? So I'm about to graduate.
Well, I'm going off to Union is come to find out, she's not. What do we do? Well, we have 2 options to try to figure it out or you don't. We all did nothing. 1 day, as we tried to make our way through things, initially.
I'm at school. She's finishing up. She calls me on phone, I'm unable to see her. I drive a couple hours to go back, tried to and didn't work out. Right? It's alright. And she says, I like this other bloke.
So I hung up my phone, threw it down on the ground in a bit of rage, beat my chess like the Airfa Mele I thought I was, he tried to put my thoughts together. Well, however, my stature may not have changed much.
My attitude on the situation did. CI was more jealous than hurt. I started to realize that the effort and the energy that I put into our relationship, at this particular time was not returned reciprocated.
It was actually given to someone else. She had identified at some point in time that what she wanted out of a relationship is not what I was given her. Whatever that may have been.
That's fine too. Now this is not sort of Greek comedy, I suppose. I did not get back with this girl. We aren't all married now. We do not talk now. However, this is how it happened at the time. Also though, is not a tragedy.
That particular situation told me quite a bit. See, as I started to think, why what does that mean exactly? She's she likes somebody else. She's with somebody else. How? After all those years, however long they may have been.
After all that time, let's say. All that energy or that effort trying to resolve conflicts, trying to identify likes and dislikes. Trying to understand each other, ways of communicating.
All of it, for what? It's gone now. It didn't get anywhere. In fact, the only place that it got is for someone else. I thought. Well, here's the thing. I was distraught. I didn't understand what happened, what I did wrong, or why.
Technically speaking. She ended it with me, initially. Now Alright. After that? Just to put closure on the story, I did see her again after that, and I may have messed things up as will.
So in the grand comic universal scale of things, I don't know. I suppose it balanced out equitably in a manner we're speaking. However, still not the right way to do things. 2 wrongs don't make it right. Well, I learned that as well.
That is not of this episode. The point of this episode is while I was depressed, while I was upset, while I was trying to figure out what it was that I did wrong and blaming myself for her decision I had nothing to do with it.
In a manner of speaking, I may have been correlation to her, as far as why she decided, there was something else about a different that appealed to her more.
However, I don't I didn't I guess view this as hair choosing somebody else in the moment.
Because of my efficiencies or causes that I had implemented. See, I chose to look at this like will. I have 2 options. I can be depressed for a while or I can look at this from maybe a different perspective.
See, the benefit to her was, well, wait a minute. This exists with this bloke. Well, I'm not getting there with this guy. Whatever it is. Emotional support conversation, lastly physical things, whatever.
But I'm getting it from this guy. Well, that's fine too. Who am I to say, you can't be happy? To anybody. Well, you can't be satisfied by the things that you feel satisfied you in that most men.
It could be food, conversation, could be sex, could be whatever. It's not up to me to ensure that somebody else has those things. It is at the very least up to me, to be me. True and honest to me and my character, whatever that means.
Represent there to somebody else, compromise where I'm willing, but otherwise, have somebody except me for me. Now, if that not something she's willing to do or whoever this other person might have been in your life.
Well, that's alright. It doesn't have to be. Right? They don't have to They can be content or happy or whatever with you, who you are, your character whatever.
That's fine. By if they are not, they can leave. So can you. Right? And as I started to realize get and make peace with her decisions, primarily at the time. I understood how to recover from my situation.
And that my friends' ambition. How do you make a situation better for yourself? Well, in my case at that particular point in time, it was a mindset, it was a perspective and that's what worked for me.
Now before we get into anything else, let's take a quick break. Hey everybody. This is Porter with SD YT the podcast.
When we're talking about spending time with your family and even remembering loved ones, maybe when you can't be there. I'd like to pass to Mike for a second over to my buddy Dax, and he's gonna talk about the B and The Bear creations.
That's BEE and the BEA. Be in the bear creations. Dex? Hey, everyone. It's Stack's here. I just wanted to take a moment and give a shout to my wife, Julie.
She is a artist of sorts, but she has a Facebook page called The Be and The Bear Creations And what that page is for is basically if you wanted to do a specialized item like a tumbler or a hat or a vinyl or a decal or a shirt, you can go there.
You can ask some questions, look through the wares, but then give a DM and try to sort it out.
And then work it adjust pricing. But if you're interested something like that, go ahead like her page. It's the b and the bear creations on Facebook. So Go enjoy it. Alright. Welcome back to SD YT, the podcast.
Again, I'm Josie. I am not Porter. I am not normally the host. I'm standing in for him on this episode. He's a bit under the weather. Now, what we're talking about, what we've just talked about was perseverance.
It was not it was ambition. We talked about ambition. As far as it applies to moving forward, pest, a particular heartbreak. Now, I had talked about my first, However, that was not my only.
I'm not here to talk this episode about heartbreak though. I'm here to talk about how these values have impacted my life. Having some sort of ability to self soothe, I think is important.
It gives you the ability to understand what's happening to you and your body and then interpret how best to satisfy that or resolve an internal conflict. So ambition to a certain degree is that.
Right? It's sitting marks for yourself, goals for yourself to be able to make progress to get better. Whatever that means. Except, I think, is it applies to maybe a common cold. There's not much you can do about that.
Recovering from a broken leg or something. Not much you can do about that. However, other situations and circumstances I think there's a little bit more leeway there. Perseverance is a bit different for me.
See, perseverance In some cases, carries a more positive connotation. It gives you the ability to understand despite hardships, despite struggles or whatever tribulations may apply in your life, pushing through those challenges.
To become a better version of you. Okay. Sure. However, a better version of you is only gonna come through resistance.
Some form or fashion. Either self induced or not. Now, self induced resistance might be, say, at the gym and you're working out whatever. Fine. Resistance might be doing puzzles or math problems or whatever, and you get smarter.
You do your homework, and give better grades, whatever. That's resistance as well. But perseverance, as it applies to resistance, you know, I suppose what might be a more negative connotation, could also just be It's not in my opinion.
Let me back up. It's not in my opinion, the desire to keep going. Despite any changes, challenges or issues.
I think that often, perseverance in some form of endurance or often used interchangeably. Right? Your ability to endure hardship exhibits perseverance. If they were, they're interchangeable in meaning, You couldn't say that, phrase.
If we're talking about enduring, as it applies to challenges and overcoming them, Then I think perseverance is more the ability to maintain an upward progression. Or maintaining momentum.
Here's the difference. If we're talking enduring hardship, like on a vehicle, for example, your standard automobile has what's called torque, how much essentially power is required to get through a difficulty enduring in that example.
Now, perseverance would be more like what you would consider horsepower in this example.
Once you are going, the ability to maintain it, almost regardless of anything else. Talk in perseverance in my life, what I'm more looking at, is how have I sustained momentum?
Now I think that after their first heartbreak, it taught me some life lessons. And as you internalize life lessons for yourself, it's better easier, maybe.
To understand how best to explain them to other people in similar situations. But that overlay of your situations to somebody else's introduces bias into maybe how you're teaching or relating.
Instead, what are the characteristics, what are the general tendencies or tactics maybe. Their values perhaps that you used to get you through those types of situations.
And let somebody else decide how best to implement them in their because everybody's is going to be a little bit different. In my example, everybody will go through a first hot break.
At some point in their lives. With a person. Let me specify there. If somebody goes through this first heartbreak, They need to understand basically 1 of 2 things, ideally both.
1, it's okay. You're not alone. 2, it's recoverable and it doesn't last forever. It may last for a while. But while and forever, I have 2 different things.
Once you've identified those 2 concepts or at least aligned with 1 of 2, it's easy to move through it. But you see, in explaining their point, I'm not telling you how I reconcile those thoughts, or came to their existence?
That's on you to figure out and identify how best to apply in your situation. I am here like a tall man. Right? I am the hardware store to your home innovation project.
However, if the body is your temple and the mind is your home, maybe this advice will resonate a bit more. Going through any particular heartbreak, once you've identified, it's not forever.
Once you've identified it's alright, you're not alone. It's easier to talk about it. That sort of pressure, that sort of tension on your cardiovascular system even, mentally, physically, wears you down. And it's tough and it hurts.
It's almost like the inside of your center is folding in on itself, like into another in a dimension of despair. And it's like this vacuum pit of hopelessness and futility that just sets and seeps and sucks in all of your happiness.
And all of that's left is like sadness and blight. Alright. That's what it felt like. Anyway, as it's happening, It's difficult to see the light because every black hole sucks it in.
But it's recoverable. It's all right. Their initial traction, I don't view as perseverance. I view that as the ambition. The drive. That drive, that talk in your life and your character.
That's what gets you moving. Maybe you require a winch, some straps, Maybe we call that a support network. Assisted movement But once you're able to identify how and it gets your gears moving, you start building some talk?
And you start driving. After their ambitions in place, now you've got to persevere. Maybe you endure other issues. However, peer severe in. Entails consistent, progression, consistent movement.
Now, if you've ever driven in mountains, you can't go up forever. Sometimes you go down again. Sometimes you hit level ground. Doesn't matter? The point is still the same. You're still moving. Right? That's it. It's all perseverance is.
So you take those lessons, you take those tools from the first break up, And the next time you experience breakup of a relationship, maybe it's a professional 1, maybe it's a personal 1, maybe it's an inanimate 1, you really like that.
I don't know, video game. Or you worked for days, weeks, hours, whatever, and getting to that save point. In their video game and then you accidentally erase it.
Oh, bugger, that's tough. That's difficult. It's almost worse to deal with people. Depending on how much stock you put into their video game or how much effort you put into training for that 1 football game.
And once you lose is lost. That's it. How you handle that level of despair relative to your situation. Maybe it's close to the same feeling. Everybody's life is different. Maybe it's when your first dog dies.
If it's when your first car explodes, I don't know. I'm just saying, in either case, And there's all sorts of more serious situations as well. Maybe everything you've worked for in your life and put into this business just burned down.
Look at those bush flies, some years back. Paypal's homes and livelihoods were destroyed. People's ways of life, near unrecoverable. That's tough too. That's tough. I didn't have to deal with it, but some people did.
Maybe it's a storm. Takes out your house, now where you live. Maybe it's COVID. Took out your job. How do you survive? Maybe it's a lower minimum wage than what the cost of living requires in your area.
Maybe that's enough. You don't feel like you can gain attraction. It's alright. Maybe that's when you need some assisted movement, to maintain your ambition.
It's alright. You're not alone either. But the perseverance, that's what comes into play when you start getting what you need or when you start getting what you want.
It's easy to become content. It's easy out to become complacent. Once you start getting what you want. However, how do you sustain it? How do you identify What other benchmarks?
What other things that you need in your life? To be able to keep that momentum. So here's the thing. Dave Ramsey's a great bloke. He talks about steps to millionaires, which is fine. I don't care to be a millionaire.
It doesn't matter to me. I've got enough money to cover my needs wherever that places me is in something air, but point still the same. Understand that you've got to pay your debts. Metaphorically, financially, physically, whatever.
Emotionally, whatever applies. Paying your debts emotionally is as simple as understanding how to get through hardship or depression, as best as possible, coping mechanisms developing these things.
Right? That's paying your debts, because they're coming for you. You can't cash in on every good experience that the universe gives you, and not expect to pay it back? You see the despair, the difficult emotions in a negative sense?
That's the credit line cashing in. You can't necessarily have a good experience, and only good experiences, and never experienced despair. In some cases, it's those worse experiences that make you appreciate the better ones.
Or it's the worst sir experiences. They make the better ones better. You can't have 1 without the other. So you've got to pay your debts. It's not paying your dues, you didn't have it coming.
You're not a victim in this, but it's a debt. You see, in my opinion, you owe that to the universe. You as a human, as a competent human, to understand how to handle the good situations and the bad ones.
And, for example, The more bad ones that you've put up with and adequately handled, as you get older and become more of an adult, a little bit more mature in age, you start to experience less of them.
There's a lot of old people that are really happy they may have hair to rough life, but they smile more than they cry.
You see, they've paid their debts emotionally speaking. And the universe gives them a happy life. I don't know if there's much stock in net.
But it's a perspective, maybe you haven't considered. Now, either way, once you pay your debts, like Dave Ramsey says, up a little bit of money? Start insurance you've got he calls it a nest egg. Alright.
How do you do that emotionally? To maintain momentum and persevere. Well, I look at it like this. This savings, this investment, so to speak, varies quite a bit into how you can and what you can put into this account or these accounts.
Financially. Emotionally, though, it's building up resilience. That's when you can start focusing inward to understand how to respond outward. We're not investing so to speak in riskier things.
Okay? What we're doing, is just focusing on us. This is just our savings account. Okay? We're building up a reserve fund of emotional resilience. How do you do that? You start to reflect on how you've responded to which situations?
What about those situations made you respond to which ways? And then, could you have responded differently to make it better for you? Or now, would you respond differently? As an older version of you, compared to the you then.
This is how you build up your emotional reserve, and it gives you the ability to persevere. So in Dave's example, he starts to talk about how after that, you can start to invest, have your money make money for you.
This is nice. Emotionally, it's difficult. But not impossible. See, the next step here is you maintain momentum. And persevere through these heartbreaking times is you start to encourage other people.
So you transition necessarily from always needing or regularly needing or 1 time needing, a support network, to providing aid and assistance and support to others.
You are effectively able to do that adequately, in most cases, able to do that? When you have found a way to manage your own situations. I don't know if this is the right way to go about it.
But again, this is just my perspective on the situation. Anyway, you're better able to persevere through situations and in most stress and trauma, mental stress and trauma, work stresses, family life imbalances, whatever applies.
If you understand, what causes you those issues? And maybe you're at a point in your life where you need to ask for help. Well, that's fine too. Ask your friends, ask your family, if you don't have them, ask a stranger. That's fine too.
You don't have to air out your laundry all the time. But you could put it out there. Look at a forum online. It's anonymous. Jump on social media. Every catfish does it? Make a profile that's not you. And it's not asking people, Right?
Maybe that'll help. Maybe it might make it worse, but it's an option. Right? Anyway, that better gives you the ability to persevere. It gives you more options why would you make it more difficult for yourself by not exploring options?
And if you get to a point where you're like, Will, I've identified how to handle things well, but things keep happening to me. Well, then, you haven't identified a way to handle them well, have you?
Otherwise, eventually, you would stop realizing that happening to you. They're happening in spite of you. Sometimes it doesn't matter what you do. Sometimes it doesn't matter how you handle it.
You've got to run into that situation again. Time is circular, I suppose. If you can say that, Well, I guess technically it's more like an oval if you're talking orbitals, but not the point.
The point's still the same. Time will repeat itself. Circumstances likely will too if you haven't learned from the first 1.
Or if you experience a similar circumstance to something in your past life, let's say a heartbreak a second time, from the first, there's different variables in there.
So now it's time to grow based off of something else. 1, it's probably different people. Hopefully, it's different people. However, maybe it's a different circumstance if it's not different people.
Maybe it's due to a different topic, maybe it's a different area, maybe it's because of different circles of friends, or it's because you've grown apart, whatever.
But there's different variables despite the circumstant circumstantial similarities.
Right? Either way, if things continue to happen to you, it doesn't mean that they're new. It doesn't mean that you're a victim. It doesn't mean that it's you're unprepared or whatever, you made bad decisions in your life.
I think it just means it's another opportunity for growth. See, but it depends on how you have invested your savings. Again, how you have, let me say, stock piled your savings?
Or as a parallel to Dave Ramsey's explanation, your nest egg. That's for you. Once you have that saved up and you've already paid your debts, you start understanding how you respond in certain situations to certain triggers?
Well, then you maybe start advising other people. As you identify similar circumstances, in other people's lives, generally warranted advice.
Well, that's you investing. Right? Financially speaking, stocks bonds whatever the next step after you have your nest egg, your disposable income then can roll over the head.
Well, it's the same thing. Think about it like emotional disposable income. But once you get to a level there, you're able to persevere, you're able to maintain your own momentum.
It's autopilot mate, and then you continue and keep it going. Alright. Before we get into this last piece, and I'm pretty excited about it, let's take another quick break.
We'll be back in a minute The Patriot Empire Institute is a veteran operated nonprofit. It seeks to help active duty military members transition into different spheres of the civilian sector.
Patriot empowerment Institute focuses on bringing the best out of transitioning service member through mentorship and detailed planning, regarding that member's goals by using a long term approach 2 years prior to EAS.
The Patriot Department Institute is able to leverage both time and resources. To increase the chances of a successful transition. Please visit patreon empowerment institute dot com for more information. Right. Oh, folks.
Welcome back to STYT the podcast. Again, my name is Josie. I'm hosting this episode, porters out. He's feeling a bit under the weather. We've talked about how to help other people, how to help yourself, but competition with yourself.
Now I think competition is striving to do better than somebody else. Or in this case with yourself, a previous you. Making yourself better. Sometimes, beating yourself implies you handle loss.
More effectively. You see, you may not be as strong as you used to be as fast as you used to be, as smart, witty, whatever as you used to be. Is financially savvy or well off as you used to be.
Your life may not be as stable as it used to be. Whatever, You may not be as good a dancer as you used to be. Not all that matters. The balance here, the threshold is, it doesn't matter.
If you were better in these areas before, then now, if you were to metaphorically say that's a loss, you understand the how, the why, how to get it back, that you're capable of getting it back, how many other people you've helped as a result of their loss, or that setback, or that issue, or that trauma, whatever.
So, there's all sorts of things that you can do to better give you the opportunity still come out on top, but still better than who you were.
And if you're better than who you were, that competition with yourself is still effective. Is it the ideal turn of events where you always get a new gold medal as you get older?
No. But it's not realistic either. It's not gonna happen. If that were the case, We'd have senior citizens beating out all the teenagers and sporting events. It's all true. It's not gonna happen.
Life happens, folks. It's alright. Setbacks occur. Understanding how to deal with him, understanding how you deal with him, how other people do so you can build your reserve and give yourself options? Well, that's what matters.
Are you able to handle loss? Or grief or despair or difficulty better than you used to, well, than you still won. You still came out on top? Maybe that's the only thing that you can do, to set yourself apart from who you were.
If you spend money on a fixed income, especially Well, you can't buy these other things. Good services of products. Because there's only so much. Well, time is the same. However, Emotion is the same as well.
Ride mental stress is the same threshold, I suppose, is the same as well. Once you get to a point where you've exhausted yourself, you will burn out. Or where your account hits 0 and you overdraft, It's the same parallel.
Right? So you need to identify how to budget your emotions, how to manage your mental state. This gives you the opportunity then to say, well, in this situation, here's how I handled it before.
Yes, here I'll try to handle these variables again, however they're presented. Maybe a bit differently, account for your own ignorance, Porter likes to say. And if you're able to account for that, give yourself a little bit of room.
Well then, maybe you can handle it better than you did before. And then you're back on top. Right? You're still winning. You're still moving forward. You're still persevered. There's a lady I'd like to mention.
Now remember we talked about ambition. Is a way to sort of get your traction. Perseverance, think about it more in terms of sustaining momentum and endurance then being despite any hardships or whatever being able to continue.
Right? This lady, her name's Linda Flit. You can read it for yourself. She's got 2 books as well.
You can find them on Macari, Amazon, even check them out on a search engine in track them down. Here first book, is called please put my legs in the car. Her second book is called the mom I can't lose you, dancing with my walker.
What are they about was a story of any relevance to this episode into this idea. Early on, some 20 years ago, she had an accident trying to refurbish an old piano.
Cross her leg, scarred her physically. Emotionally and mentally, I think it was just more of a shock. Reality check. Give her the opportunity to identify that she was now stuck.
She needed to make a support network. She needed to better understand how to apply it to her life, mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, whatever other adverb applied.
And then initially, have the winch, have the lifting straps, have the pulleys in place to get her unstuck.
Now this took time. Right? Initially, maybe trying it on her own. Until finally, she was able to reach out to other people and make strides.
Now, unfortunately, in her case, there was a cause of situation for a second book. See the second book, now decades later, involved a near fatal traffic accident on a motorcycle. As they went down, she obviously had no control.
Physical mental, emotional, scarring, and requiring assistance being stuck Right? Well, based on the first experience, she had identified how to unstuck herself. She had identified and formed a support network.
On how best to go about her recovery. Now is better able, know who she is as a person first essentially. She's paid her debts She stockpiled her new nest egg, and now she's beginning to invest, emotionally, mentally.
Right? While we're talking about ambition and perseverance, I'd be miss if I didn't bring up her story as well. Like I said, check out the books. I'll put links down in the bio as well or whatever it's called description.
She now has her own company called Fitby Miss Linda. You could find that on Instagram, I believe it is, and there will be a link to that. Sometimes things happen to great people.
In fact, I would argue, all the time, things happen to great people. But as things happen, the way people respond, you can't always have somebody helping you. Sometimes you've got to stand on your own too.
And so if that's the case, And you've identified how to help yourself as well? Maybe then you'll make it further anyways. Once you've identified how to persevere in and and based on your reflection, grow and maintain this momentum.
There's all sorts of different things you can accomplish, and you become so much stronger because but you've changed who you are as a person.
See, that's the thing about heartbreak, it's a necessity. You can't protect kids, Young adults, whatever? They're at heartbreak. It's common. And so you go to identify ways to deal with it as options, not guarantees.
And it's difficult. In fact, sometimes there's a heartbreak of watching your kids get their first heartbreak. Yeah. Well, as parents, then you sort of band to get in and help each other out. How did you respond?
When you saw your fist, heartbreak of your child, or when they got turned down by their friends on the playground. Or bullied, or broken up with. Alright. That takes a toll on parents as well. It happens. It's gonna continue happening.
So, you see, as you build up this emotional mistake, After, of course, you've developed ambition and built traction to get yourself out of this hole with a support network winches in or otherwise, you're not stuck anymore.
And you found a way for yourself in a style that works for you to persevere, and build your nest egg, of emotional resilience? Well, then from there, you're better able to move into investments, helping other people.
But, anyway, That's just my talk about it, I guess, my perspective. I appreciate you guys tuning in. And again, If you're new to the show, I am not normally the host, Porter is.
However, I my name is Josie. Right? I'm normally the host of Walk About, on the survival day at YT video series. And we're now streaming on Spotify anchor and Google Podcasts and Apple Podcast.
But otherwise, if you're a returning listener, thanks for stopping by. If you want to look up Miss Linda Fleming, you can find hair on Instagram and Facebook.
She now has a fitness a business, even a fitness business called Fitby Miss Linda. I here on Instagram as well. I'll put that link down there. And you guys can check her out. That's all I've got to say about that.
So Porter, thanks for your time, mate. Audience, thanks for your time, I appreciate you stopping in. Again, my name is Jonesie. I am North Porter. He is normally the host. However That was this DIY ticket.