You have value. Your cells have a self-replicating capability. To that fact alone, scientists and engineers alike would spend fortunes to claim a patent to that process. Your personality is contagious. Virologists and researchers alike would bet salaries to study that efficacy. Your hobbies, skill sets, and insight are your currency. If the trick to becoming wealthy is using your money to money, then your self-replicating currency is worth more than you might realize. If you don't often treat yourself as the queen or king that you are, then this episode is for you.
Alrighty folks, welcome back to Season 2, Episode 18 of Transacting Value Podcast!
You have value. Your cells have a self-replicating capability. To that fact alone, scientists and engineers alike would spend fortunes to claim a patent to that process. Your personality is contagious. Virologists and researchers alike would bet salaries to study that efficacy. Your hobbies, skill sets, and insight are your currency. If the trick to becoming wealthy is using your money to money, then your self-replicating currency is worth more than you might realize. If you don't often treat yourself as the queen or king that you are, then this episode is for you.
Today we're discussing the inherent but underrated May core values of Respect, Courage, and Integrity as strategies for character discipline and relative success. We cover different aspects of constructive, critical, and honest feedback between you and yourself, or other people. Together, we tackle self-esteem, introspection, physical, emotional, and mental recovery. If you are new to the podcast, welcome! If you're a continuing listener, welcome back! Thanks for hanging out with us and enjoying the conversation. Values still hold value. Special thanks to The Bee and the Bear Creations and Keystone Farmer's Market for your support.
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Until next time, I'm Porter. I'm your host; and that was Transacting Value.
An SDYT Media Production I Deviate from the Norm
All rights reserved. 2021
Alrighty folks. Welcome back to SDYT the podcast. I'm Porter. I'm your host, and welcome to the month of May.
We made it 4 months into the year. Hanging out, talking together, talking about different perspectives, over shared values. So first of all, before we get into anything else, I appreciate your time.
I hope you guys enjoy the conversations. If you do, feel free to send an email, survival dad y t at gmail dot com. Jump on Facebook, Instagram, search survival dad y t.
You'll be able to find both our accompanying profile, send us a direct message. Leave some comments on some of our post and let us know which episodes you like, which guests you wanna hear more from or if you want to be featured.
Have your own interview. Be on the air. Support small businesses support your values or just support small businesses and their values.
Feel free to send us a message as well. I really appreciate your time guys. So if you're new to the podcast, welcome. And if you're a continuing listener, welcome back.
We'll be covering core values of respect, courage, and integrity as themes for all of our interviews. This particular conversation, we're talking self respect. So with that, without further ado, I'm Porter.
I'm your host, and this is SD YT the podcast. Alrighty folks. Welcome back. I got to thinking, talking about self respect, talking about these core values, we've never really discussed what does it mean?
The value of your values or the character of your character. Which is ultimately the theme for 20 22. So let's break it down for a second.
Everything that you have as a person or everything that we have as people humankind in societies and cultures has value. You see it's once 2 parties understand that what they have equates to what somebody else has.
Now those 2 things have value. But whatever those things are only have value when somebody needs them or wants them or feels a certain emotion surrounding them.
Here's an example. If I don't have a need for say a piece of paper, well then it doesn't matter to me if I don't have 1. There's 0 value in a piece of paper that I might have if I don't have a need for it.
It's just gonna sit there on a desk on a tabletop somewhere. Till I need to write something down. Well, now that paper's got some value to me. It's utilitarian in value. But it then has value. See value can come in different things.
It has a necessity. People appreciate it. People want it. And for whatever reason, at that point in time, they agree with whoever has it on what that value is. So they're able to trade and barter for it or pay for it.
And that's how you transact that value. K. Now what the means are to transact that value, maybe it's currency, paper money. And maybe now like we're seeing, it's more of a cryptocurrency.
But at 1 point in time, it was salt and minerals. At 1 point in time, it was silk and fabric and clothing. Well, at another point in time, it was animals. Another point in time it was people. These are just the realities of the world.
Regardless of what the means of transacting value are, The point still remains, things only have value if we agree that they do. Now in saying that, what about ourselves? As individuals, what about us, what about people?
How do we have value? What value do we bring to the metaphorical table? Well, Here's how it works. The value that we have is called inherent value. Now sure I may have money in a bank account.
Financially that I could bring to some sort of a deal and transact based on financial value. Sure. But we as people have inherent value, which means it doesn't necessarily matter. It's almost priceless.
What the financials are. So to be able to transact value requires 2 parties agreeing that 1 thing equates to another. At least in terms of utility, necessity, maybe even finances, but also inherently. Right, sentimental value.
For example, as an inherent value. That was my grandmother's purse, my grandfather's shirt. That was my granddaughter's blanket, my grandson stuffed animal. Alright. So it's sentimental value, but it really doesn't cost much to replace.
Well, that's inherent value. So as people, every 1 of our cells can replicate on its own. Mytosis, I think? Either way, each 1 of our cells can represent represent can replicate on its own.
Don't have to think about it we don't have to try and make it replicated just does it. It's at a controlled rate because there's controls in our body but systems aside they replicate on their own.
It's a almost a subconscious involuntary mechanism. That is valuable. For 1, as our skin cells died, we'd have holes. So good thing that doesn't happen. But for 2, science has been trying to replicate that potential, that capability.
For decades. Relatively self perpetuating, self healing organisms. But that's natural, not natural, So then how do you facilitate that and downplay it or even downgrade it, trivialize it and say, nah.
That's not a big deal. Whoa even as a person your microscopic cell on a cellular level already has value which means inherently you as a human do too. But let's move beyond that. I can't see that.
What does any of that even matter? Okay. Alright. I'll play your game. Maybe it's a skill set. Right? Maybe you learned something as you get older and now you're a plumber. You're a welder. You're an electrician, tradesmen of some sort.
And you're able to use it to help other people. Maybe you're a carpenter, maybe you're a handyman. Maybe that's just you and you're a nice guy but you can't really do anything as a skill set. Maybe you're a good listener.
That's a skill. Maybe you're a good talker. An order. Right? Well, that's a good skill set in some cases in situations. But now you have value. But a good order does not have much value in a room of hearing aids with no batteries.
So it doesn't necessarily matter. Any more than a fireworks display has a lot of value with people that can't see it. Now those are extreme examples obviously but the reality is still the same thing.
You see as people what we bring to the table our perspectives or backgrounds, our uniqueness, our ideas, our ability to rationalize and think and make conscious decisions based on our emotions based on other inputs based on different catalysts around us and in our environments.
That's what makes us unique. It doesn't always mean that the environment we're brought up in recognizes and understands and agrees on as the counterparty, our value. But so then the value of our values that even mean?
Let's start with the character of your character. If who you wanna become, who you wanna embody, the type of person, maybe it's a legacy, maybe it's an image, maybe it's a mentor you're trying to embody and honor.
Or TV character, movie star, musician. Your character in the future is sort of the facade initially that you put out into the public space.
And then over time you change it you adapt it or you attribute that to who you actually are and identify more closely with it in your interpersonal space.
But that's your character. See then the character of your character. Well now that's embodied by the decisions that you make. That's shown, showcased by what you do in certain situations. Your judgment, your character.
Right? Baring, maybe it's moral compass, and maybe it's all of those things or aspects of each 1. But that's the character of your character. You see your values guide those decisions to enable your character to show through.
So maybe some of your values that you prefer that are important to you for what a number of reasons are respect, courage, integrity, love, gratitude, appreciation, honesty, tenacity, accountability, if it's loyalty, if it's independence.
It's authenticity. But all of these values hold value to you.
Maybe your the counterparty to society as an individual who values respect or courage. Well, maybe in that environment, we've heard about it in the headlines too. Right? Middle East especially, it takes courage to speak out.
Because the risks are so high to some people in certain circumstances. But if those same people with those same qualities drive ambition, vision, whatever fill in the blank applies, in a different environment.
They may go quite a bit further than where they're able to in their current surroundings. But to them as an individual that doesn't change the fact. That they value their values, that they're important to them.
So you see, a value of your values is really up to you and it's based on your uniqueness that generates that inherent value. And so when we're talking self respect sure respect is the value here.
But self respect. That's the weight that you put on it. Understanding that you do have value even if it's between you and yourself and in your own head. You do have value. How do you showcase it? How do you treat yourself?
What sort of investment do you put in you to appreciate your own value? That's the goal. And that's the question you gotta ask yourself. But before we get into all that, we're gonna take a break for a couple minutes. So tight and relax.
We'll be right back on SDYT the podcast. Alrighty, folks. This is Porter with SD YT the podcast. If you haven't heard about Anchor by Spotify, it's the easiest way to make a podcast with everything you need all in 1 place.
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Host of Scott Scotch stories on TikTok, an occasional call host of SD y t the podcast through survival dead y t. If you haven't stopped in to listen to SDIT a podcast or interacted with any of the social media, you ought to miss a note?
There's topics like gender equality, mental health, abuse, drinking, depression, and divorce. But there is also gratitude, appreciation, respect, courtesy, and self empowerment. So For different perspectives, talk through shared values.
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Alrighty folks. Welcome back to STYT podcast again on Porter. I'm your host and we're talking all about self respect. Basically comes down to respect for yourself from other people. How you get it from other people plays a huge role.
All things considered though, I think I boiled it down to 3 different things. 1, recognizing you have value. That's the biggest thing. Right? Objectively nominally you have value. From each 1 of your cells, that's a miracle.
Nothing that man has created does that. On a broader scale, you can formulate ideas and conscious thought and make decisions based on observations and based on things that you haven't even seen before.
Other people's observations and perspectives, things in books, your imagination, conceptualizing things, and then being able to take action on them.
That is valuable. And if you don't believe me look at any machine trying to learn stuff now. People haven't figured it out. When they do, it's gonna be worth something.
What currency and how much I don't know, but it'll be worth something. So by any definition you as a human have value but you as you have value. Because the interpretation of any of those things is unique to you and your perspective.
Keep in mind that changes as you age because your perspective changes as you age. Your perspective on certain topics, how you interpret what's happening around you.
For that matter how you interpret your own perspective changes. Right? So then the amount of value you have only appreciates because you gain more ways to interpret and build perspective.
So 1, in terms of building and identifying self respect you gotta recognize that you have value. Alright. Number 2, you gotta cultivate your value. Tall order. How do you do it?
Let me tell you this. I've been talking to a buddy of mine will and he owes a segment on TikTok called Scott Scott Stories. In hindsight is probably why he keeps telling me to call him Scotty, but that's neither here nor there.
The point being, he's been talking an awful lot recently. If you haven't seen any of his episodes, check them out on TikTok like I said, but he's been covering a book called Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki.
Now this book I think came out in like 19 96. You say, well, that doesn't have any relevance. Okay. 19 96 to 2016 is 20 years plus another 6 almost. That's 26 years ago.
What's happened in the world in all sorts of industries, politics, economics, conflict, how people communicates changed. I can call somebody on a video. A lot of things have changed in 26 years, but let me put it this way.
The number 1 principle in that book is the rich don't work for money. Okay. Order, what are you talking about? What does any of that have to do with anything? It's a solid question. Here's the deal.
The rich don't work for money. Because they don't need to. They found a way to have their money work for them to make more money, which means they don't have to spend their time increasing their cortisol levels, increasing their stress.
Trying to find ways to pay the electric or buy groceries. Trying to find ways to pay for water, or not have any at all.
Trying to find ways to provide shelter. Right? So then you say, well why why not? What happened? Well, Based on that book, fear and ignorance oftentimes leads to greed and scarcity.
He talks about the history of taxes. He said, initially, it was on behalf of the lower and middle class 2 300 years ago levied against the wealthy. They owned the land because that's how wealth was measured at the time.
So the landowners, the people that own the boats when they became valuable. The steam power the automobile, the assembly lines to make those things, the rail yards. Right? It was levied against the wealthy.
Well, the thing about governments is they need to be able to fund anything and everything to make life more convenient or more safe for the people. Okay? Well, Those wealthy individuals didn't become wealthy by being dumb.
They form corporations so they could separate their income and their valuables from what was liable to be taken from them. And so in isolated increments, they were able to do this through different forms of businesses.
Which meant then the government couldn't get money from them. Well so then where do they go? Well those taxes were written into law. They were legislated adjudicated and processed. Which meant then that the middle class also got taxed.
And when they couldn't be taxed anymore, the lower class got taxed as well. Eventually, more money came from the middle and lower class than arguably the upper middle class or upper class.
So what does that have to do with anything? Well, let me tell you, if the means of transacting value is self replicating, money making money.
The means of transacting value is self replicating and that was the accurate as it turns out perspective 26 years ago that despite all the changes in the world, all the new babies born, all the conflict, all the descent, all the dissatisfaction, and all the positive changes as well.
Well then a means of transacting value should be able to self replicate. Because that's a principle of being wealthy.
Wealthy doesn't apply to just money, wealthy applies to really anything you want to attribute it to. Are you materialistically rich is that what makes you wealthy by having things by having time to do with what you want.
By having land to do with what you need. However, you define it. If the means of transacting value self replicating is a hallmark of being wealthy. Let's attribute that to this human factor for a second then.
You see, You as an individual, your means of transacting value is showcased through your personality, through your skills, your perspective, your interest, your hobbies, your presence, even.
How you exhibit your character So that's how you transact your value through those things, personality skills, interest, hobbies, these types of things.
But how do you get them to self replicate? 1 it takes an active role but in what? You've gotta make the effort to learn. Not necessarily always to fit in but to learn how to.
Right? To develop a personality. Or maybe to learn new skills that are marketable by sage as being a hobby, or maybe it's to learn new skills. Or just to broaden your perspective. And maybe it's age dependent.
Right? Because there is a hand off generally 16 to 20 years old where your parents or the adults in your life, introducing you to all sorts of different things and exposing you to all sorts of different inputs.
So then you identifying them, finding them out, making decisions about them based on your own voluntary involvement in these things.
So there's there's a hand off here but broadening your perspective. Or taking an active role in exploring your interests based on that perspective.
I'm interested in gardening. Okay. Go out and grow a plant. Try that out. Alright. But and that's how you breed fulfillment but more importantly, that's how you get your means your values to spread on their own accord.
Or maybe it's identifying, ingesting, or actively committing to new hobbies. Maybe that's the way you do it.
See because in doing that other people see you do that and they see you become more fulfilled in broadening your perspective, finding new hobbies, learning new skills, developing your personality, right other people become inspired.
Then your values transact other values. So then that's what makes you wealthy. Right? Understanding the worth of your presence as a representation of your time.
Now what does that mean? I am worth it. Right? Snap 3 times in a z pattern. Alright. Like, no. No. We're not talking that direction More what I'm saying is understand that you've gotta earn your keep and pay your dues.
There's a certain amount of value in resistance. In struggle, strife, managing handling, dissatisfaction, and disappointment, and rejection. If you haven't had those things that other people recognize by any definition.
And all things considered you've had a pretty good life. Right? Clarence's parents had a real nice marriage. I think was the quote there. If that's the case, Maybe those people don't recognize your value.
Maybe other people will. But the people you're around might not. Maybe you got some hardship coming your way or to deal with inadvertently, but doesn't mean you're worth less.
It means in that circle you're not worth your potential. I saw a video the other day. This guy was talking about a car that he gave his daughter. He said, hey, if you wanna sell that car, go take it to the pawn shop.
She took it to the pawn shop, drove it back to the house and she said, dad, he said he'd give me 4000 dollars for it. It's okay. So next weekend, I want you to go take it private buyer or dealership, try to trade it in.
So that weekend, she goes out dealership drives it back home and she says, dad, everything went great. They said they give me 10000 for the car. He said, alright, look, there's a car show next weekend.
Take it to that car show. Bring it home and tell me about it. And next weekend she comes home with She'sagen I believe. He said to give me a hundred thousand dollars for the same car.
Yeah. Will. Like I said sometimes things have more value in the right circles and that's how you know they're worth. But if you've never experienced that process and you settle on the pawn shop, maybe you're selling yourself short.
And that brings me to point number 3 transacting your value. This is how you build and breed self respect. So once you build your values, once you showcase your values, what do you do with it?
Who's interested? How do you do something with it? Doesn't matter. Because by then you're self fulfilling. Right? But then to what end? By building and breeding self respect, you've established boundaries.
People know where you stand. You know where you stand. You're more confident. You're more comfortable as you. And how you look and how you act and how you carry yourself.
Self respect goes a long way so to what end? I think that's sort of the greatest most impactful ending you could have. It's like we've talked about you become your own superhero at that point.
Right? It's Superman in front of the sun silhouetted with a cape flowing and blowing. That's you. You showcase what you wanted to do and now you're sharing and showing your value. Don't flaunt it. Pride cometh before a fall.
Humility goes a long way, but understanding recognizing that you have value in cultivating your value to be able to transact your values so that other people appreciate it doesn't have to be you force feeding value on people.
Sometimes it's as simple as just being yourself and once you respect yourself encompassing all of these other things, you stop short changing yourself and you start inspiring other people.
Whether you know it or not, whether you take credit for it or not, absolutely doesn't matter. The more important thing is you're using your value.
To replicate more value. Remember, there's only a few words that start with self, self respect, self confidence, self esteem, self image, and self destruction to name a few. You have all the power you need.
You just gotta recognize it and learn how use it with that. Guys, I appreciate your time. That's gonna round out this episode here start in May where we're talking about respect, courage, and integrity is our core values for the month.
I appreciate you guys stopping by. I appreciate you guys listening. I hope you appreciate the show. Jump into Spotify, check out our podcast. Jump onto Facebook to the podcast link.
We've even got episodes up on YouTube now. Guys, please rate us 5 stars word. Like, comment, share, and spread the word. These after all, the only way to transact value is to communicate to survive. I'm Porter. I'm your host.
And that was SDYT the podcast. Hey, everyone. It's Stack's here. Just wanted to take a moment and give a shout out to my wife, Julie. She is artists of sorts, but she has a Facebook page called the bee and the Bear creations.
And what that page is for is basically, if you wanted to do a special item like a tumbler or a hat or a vinyl or a decal or a shirt, you can go there.
You can ask some questions, look through the Wares, but then give a DM and try to sort it out, and then work it in just pricing.
But If you're interested in something like that, go ahead, like her page. It's the b and the bear creations on Facebook. So Go enjoy. Alright. You haven't even taught us the name yet.
What are we supposed to tell our families? Older metadath Have you considered the blockchain? And then when are we supposed to tell all our friends anyway? Already going to ensure that all of the listeners know where to find anything.
Harry am I supposed to tune in? To a podcast that I've saved to my library. And now is a different name. How are people going to find what to wear the episodes? Why are they changing the name to begin with?
What about the listeners? On that 1. These guys, guys, I got it. Alright. It's gonna be a phased approach. We're gonna ensure between April and what's going to be our July fourth interview in SD YT the podcast to transacting value.
It fits better. It fits our market. It fits our niche. It fits our intentions better. It's still real people with different perspectives talking over shared values.
I'll take care of it survival dad y t at gmail dot com is still the active email address, Facebook profile, the Instagram profiles, the TikTok files, everywhere you've been accessing this media, stays the same.
I'm still your host for now. This is still SDYT the podcast.