The core values we’re focusing on for August are tact, generosity, and justice. Porter goes stream-of-consciousness about how our values impact the future of work. Individuals are valuing work that is more fluid which will allow for more creativity, passion, and specialized skill sets to shine through.
Alrighty folks, welcome back to Season 3, Episode 5 on Transacting Value Podcast!
The core values we’re focusing on for August are tact, generosity, and justice. Porter goes stream-of-consciousness about how our values impact the future of work. Individuals are valuing work that is more fluid which will allow for more creativity, passion, and specialized skill sets to shine through.
An important theme in today’s episode is to be someone that your future self can look back on and be proud of. With that future goal in mind, what kind of culture do you want to create? How do you want to behave? How do you want to respond? How do you want to lead? You can’t control all of the circumstances in your environment, but you can control your actions, your beliefs, and your responses.
In your responses and interactions, be tactful in addressing others and communicate without offending. You won’t be perfect. No one is. But you can be mindful of how you are perceived by others and how your words and actions affect others.
Consider yourself too. Pay attention to how your words (especially those that are inside your mind) make you feel. When you catch yourself being unnecessarily negative, change your focus to something positive before your day gets sidetracked by the negativity. You have the power to make micro shifts in your thinking that can change the trajectory of not only your day but of your life.
So be careful how you talk to yourself. The warrior within is listening.
Quotes from today’s episode:
“I can use tact as an attribute to influence my day or my attitude or my perspective on the world.”
“Ultimately everybody just wants to increase value for their time and effort.”
“Everybody has something worthwhile to contribute.”
“Be careful how you talk to yourself. The warrior within is listening.”
“The scales of justice are weighed in gold. He who holds the money holds the power.”
Sponsors and Resources mentioned in today’s episode:
(0:07:54) The Bee and the Bear Creations
(0:18:16) Keystone Farmer’s Market
Entrepreneur.com article by Tony Tran, “Why the Creator Ethos is Key to the Future of Work”
The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi
The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale
Follow the Tracks to Where Perspectives Meet Values:
- Tweet @SurvivalDadYT1
- Direct Message @SurvivalDadYT on Instagram or TikTok
- Facebook.com/SurvivalDadYT
Remember to Subscribe and Leave a voice message at TransactingValuePodcast.com, for a chance
to hear your question answered on the air!
Until next time, I'm Porter. I'm your host; and that was Transacting Value.
An SDYT Media Production I Deviate from the Norm
All rights reserved. 2021
Alrighty, folks. Welcome back to transacting value. I'm Porter. I'm your host, and we're talking about all sorts of things that help you communicate.
In a digital world in real life, all sorts of different perspectives that allow you to either conceptualize the world around you and then influence it interact with it, interdict it in some cases, or just interpret it, right, to whatever end, for your own pleasure, for your own enjoyment, or maybe because you're trying to make some stuff happen.
Now 20 22, we've had a few changes here on the show already. We've had 1, a name change, we were formally SDYT the podcast, and now transacting value. But another big change that we're starting to see is people in the workplace.
Now from a few different angles. Right? People going back to work or people not going back to work. People creating their own work spaces for themselves or people creating their own work places to interact with others.
In real life isn't really that much different than a virtual environment. I mean, sure that touch interactions there, and the sense of feeling changes. Right? Physically. But emotionally, it really doesn't change too much.
You still take into account whatever your responses are to certain catalysts and provocations by other people and how to interact with people socially, you take in those cues and you try to determine what the best way is forward.
I mean, it's the same thing from a creator perspective. Here's an example, case in point, Tony Tran, k.
He's an author for entrepreneur dot com. He wrote an article called why the creator ethos is key to the future of work. Here's what he says. There's been a seismic shift in how people view work.
How they work, where they work, and with whom they work. No longer built around the idea of a 9 to 5 job, the future of work is becoming much more fluid, allowing people's creativity, passion, and skill sets to shine through.
Now as this evolution continues, the creator economy and the ethos creators personify will pave the way for the future of work What does that mean? What does that entail?
And we break it down from my perspective. A quick 2 cents to use for social currency. You've got, I guess, more colloquially creators and influencers, the people that make the changes and the people that start the waves.
K? In the month of August, here on the show, transacting value, we're talking about tact, generosity, and justice. As our core values for the month.
You gotta be careful. See, because what you're creating in a workplace environment, obviously, to 1 extreme could be animosity, To the other end of the spectrum could just be a pleasant place to work or interact with other people.
But let's reel it in. All of those things start with and internal drive, some sort of internal aspect of what keeps your day going. Right? Your perspective, your views on the world, how you interact, and how you relate to people.
How you talk to yourself, you can ultimately create the success or failure of your day. Right? Nobody else is gonna guide or determine how you respond to situations. That's totally on you in control.
But if we're qualifying tact as how you address people, how you convey meaning and ideas to somebody else, suggestions, recommendations, critiques, constructive, or destructive, to somebody else without causing offense.
The key there, I understand might just be to someone else. We've talked about this before on other episodes as well. Matter of fact, most recently here in the last month or 2, we talked about this concept of a trans temporal identity.
Right? Or even more recently, just within the past couple weeks. We talked about being the you presently, that the future you can look back on and be proud of.
Being the you presently, that the future you can look back on and be proud of. I think you gotta take that with a grain of salt. Okay? For example, I'm proud of everything I've accomplished.
Whether it's this show, whether it's our audience, whether it's all of the support rallied behind it, or personally in my life, professionally in my career full time in the military? I'm proud of those things.
Am I necessarily proud of all the decisions I've made? To get where I am now? No. Not really. Overall, I am though. For those things to happen, at that present, when those events took place, I was all over the place.
I'm in my mid thirties now. I still get depressed. I still get anxious. I still get worried. I still get happy. I still get confused. I still get overwhelmed just like everybody else.
Right? And I bring that into the workplace. Now, I don't know about you guys, but full disclosure here. Whenever I go into the workplace, for me, in my environment, in my social circle, I don't necessarily wear everything on my sleeve.
If I guess, if anything, depending on who you talk to, why does your face look like that? Might be what crosses people's minds, if not their mouths.
But it doesn't change the fact that I'd prefer to be more of a private person. At least with my emotions, and I prefer to control my responses. Different personalities, different folks, and strokes. Right?
So that being what it is, For me, I have to make a conscious effort, most mornings, if not every 1 of them, not to give myself a pep talk, but to at least recognize If I'm having a shitty morning or woke up on the wrong side of the bed, I've got to stop for a second and at least realize this is gonna be a rough morning.
Right? Or to be able to stop and say, so what? Why? And then identify maybe I'm the 1 who cares about it, that doesn't mean I'm the only 1 it's gonna affect. See, so I can still be a creator. I can still be an influencer.
I can still use tact as an attribute to influence my day or my attitude or my perspective on the world, I can still create Maybe not a more positive in terms of happy, but a more positive in terms of progressive, in terms of improvement, in terms of enhancing, a more positive mental attitude, a more positive mindset.
So here's the thing. It's fatiguing for me, and that alone can be overwhelming.
I'm very much goal oriented in terms of my mindset. Not fixed, but fixated, right, on goals. And for me, that works. My deficiency that I'm coming to realize as I grow is the how?
Folks, I'm Porter, host of the transacting value podcast. You're being personally invited to increase empathy worldwide through shared values. Hey. But why do you say it like that? That's not what we talked about.
No, it's not. Why do you call it an invitation? Look, guys, there are people around the world who have listened to our conversations with guests. And they've trusted us to build perspective over different topics through shared values.
The least we can do is invite them out to hear more of the content that they enjoy while still reminding them that season 1 and season 2 of the podcast are still listed under the old name as DYT the podcast.
Friday, that makes sense, Porter. Just tell them that if they go to YouTube and search survival dead y t, they can find all the old videos in playlist.
Along with season 1 and season 2 8, Or if they want to hear some of the other interviews from those seasons that they can still find them everywhere their favorite podcasts are streamed. I'll just do it.
No. I got it. I'll let them know to stay in touch through the Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or Twitter pages by searching at transacting value podcast. For comments, critiques, topic ideas, or to become guests themselves.
I'll make a note to say thank you to all of our show sponsors and partners And just say that I appreciate all of our new and continued listeners. And then I'll close out by saying I'm Porter.
I'm your host, and this is the transacting value podcast. Hey, y'all. It's Joel here with the b and the bear creations. We specialize in custom tumblers, t shirts, car decals, and anything else you can think of.
If you are looking to order a custom item for yourself or for someone else as a gift. Please go find me on Facebook and shoot me a message and we'll get that ordered started for you.
Again, you can find me at the b and the Bear creations on Facebook. I look forward to helping you create your custom item. Alrighty, folks. This is Porter with the transacting value podcast.
You're listening to this interview and you've listened to some of our others, then you already know we're playing on Spotify. You already know we're playing on iHeart Radio. Stitcher, Audious, Google Podcasts, and Apple Podcasts.
What you may not have known is we're also on YouTube. So if you find yourself with the odd opportunity for some background noise or a decent conversation, or you're at work, or maybe launch.
Search, the transacting value podcast. And you can listen to all of your favorite podcast interviews as well.
Now if you have anything you wanna suggest for a topic or if you wanna be interviewed, Feel free to send an email to survival dad y t at g mail dot com, or send a direct message on Facebook or Instagram at the transacting Value Podcast.
So folks from me to you, I appreciate you taking the time to listen and support the station. For different perspectives with shared values. Guys, I'm Porter. I'm your host, and this is the transacting value podcast.
I'm very much goal oriented in terms of my mindset. Not fixed, but fixated, right, on goals. And for me, that works. My deficiency that I'm coming to realize as I grow is the how. See, I enjoy the process, I enjoy the puzzle.
I enjoy the challenge. But usually, I can't figure out how to get somewhere, how to get started, how to make progress, maybe even how to improve in some cases. Like I said, I still get confused too.
I'm not perfect. Right? I don't want anything on this show to come across that way if it does, that's not the intention. If we're talking about generosity and a creator ethos that influences a workplace.
And maybe your workplace is homeschool, maybe your workplace is at home. Maybe your workplace is in a corporate office setting. Right? Hashtag dunder Miffleid, but maybe It's not. Maybe you're a student, maybe you're homeless.
See, if we change our perspective a little bit and consider a workplace as a place where you put in effort in the hopes or with the actual aim of getting some sort of return on what you're investing into that moment in that location.
Your time, your effort, your energy, your brain power, your money.
Well then, how do you communicate that to somebody else? Because ultimately everybody just wants value or to increase value or to make a monetary value for their time, for their effort.
And I agree with that, Everybody has something worthwhile to contribute, the right place, the right environment, the right time, the right idea, the right opportunity, the right amount of money, I suppose there are rights and wrongs, but there are definitely more effective, more efficient, for the right times, places people, and not some money.
That doesn't necessarily make any of it wrong, but it makes it wrongly appropriated. So what am I saying? If all of it starts with you and your perspective, you gotta be careful what you say.
Oftentimes, what you think then ends up out your mouth. In maybe the same words, maybe not. See, but the goal here is scalability. There are some people in the world that just talk to talk.
There are some people in the world that talk to be heard. And there are also some people that don't talk, but everybody thinks. See, I read this book by a person named Miyamoto Musashi. It's called The Book of 5 Rings.
And if you're familiar, please leave me a comment. Send me a message, we could talk about it online. I read it from a business perspective, See my background is business management. My passion is not. It's not.
My passion is starting things, more of an entrepreneurial approach creator mindset, if you will. But I studied business management and and it's something I'm familiar with, and that's the perspective I took on this book of 5 Rings.
See what Miyamoto says in that book among a few other different tenets and points is you have to be careful how you talk to yourself. The warrior within is listening. So you hear something enough, maybe you start to believe it.
My buddy Will, we've talked about this on occasion. Right? How he said his family would say things so often that eventually he didn't know what else to think and started to believe Yeah.
But the same thing happens in your head. There's a pastor. I forget exactly at which church, But either way, his name is Norman Vincent Peel, and he wrote a book called The Power of Positive Thinking.
And again, if you're familiar with the book, feel free to leave a comment. We'll talk about it, but here's the thing, talking to people without causing offense. I'm not offended by people talking about religion.
I'm not offended by people talking about abortion. I'm not offended by people talking about positive thinking. Or any topic along that spectrum of potential conflicting conversational topics, I take offense generally speaking.
To things that I'm proud of or things that I want to protect being infringed upon or violated to some degree. But I also choose how to respond to that outwardly.
Right? When I was a kid, I got told by my mom, I think, initially, you don't have something nice to say, don't say it at all. If you know me, that's not the reason I'm usually quiet. I can promise you that. But it does come into effect.
Right? If I do get offended by something or by a particular topic, Maybe I just choose to keep my mouth shut. Maybe it's because I'm ignorant and don't know what else to say, but generally speaking, it still starts with a thought.
And so if you think in your head what you want to accomplish critically, though, what I'm referring to, is identify your goals, identify the outcomes, visualize how you want your life to look.
Like we said earlier, be the you now, the future you can look back and be proud of, but it works the other way too.
Picture the future you as the present you wants to grow into. I don't wanna grow into, you know, an arthritic 95 year old man, some of that is gonna happen.
Right? But to try to stave that off, I'm gonna sit up straight. I'm gonna pull my shoulders back. I don't wanna be ostracized from a social setting, so I'm not gonna be an asshole. At least not intentionally.
And it's all the same set of circumstances when it comes to tact and not causing offense. It goes for you to yourself as well. And that's tough sometimes, but you gotta realize it's happening. You gotta be realistic with your thoughts.
Account for your own ignorance, and critically evaluate where your gaps are in your character, in your values, in your goals, may be your only gap, you're a dreamer, and you're driven, and you're a visionary.
Maybe your gap is reality. In how you're gonna accomplish those things, and that's fine. That's okay too. Maybe your gap is patience. I want it today. I want it now. Easy, veruca. Here's the thing. You can't. Always have it now.
But now is relative. Right? Like, we're living like nineties, the new 70. So if that's the case, what's 5 years over the span of 90? Percentages aside, it's not a lot of time. What's 10 years over the span of 80 for that matter?
Not a lot of time. What's 10 years compared to what social media says you should be making progress? What's 5 years compared to how quick, maybe your peers or your competitors are moving.
See, the value in a lot of these things, specifically how you talk to yourself. Or the reality of how you vocalize those things, or the physicality of how you act on those things.
Really ultimately comes down to being realistic. 2, Set yourself a solid foundation. Be realistic with yourself. If you can't be honest with yourself, why would you expect other people to be? Folks, This is Wilmcloughton.
Host of Scotch Scotch Scotch stories on TikTok, and occasional cohost of the transacting Value podcast through survival down Whitey. If you haven't stopped in to listen, or interacted with any of the social media. You'll miss an arc.
There is topics like gender equality, mental health, abuse, drinking, depression, and divorce. But there is also gratitude, appreciation Respect, courtesy, and self empowerment. For a different perspectives talk through shared values.
Turn in, to the transacting value podcast every Monday at 9AM Eastern Standard Time on all your favorite podcast and platforms. International Podcast Day is September thirtieth and you can help spread the word.
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The place with the boiled peanuts. Set yourself a solid foundation, be realistic with yourself. If you can't be honest with yourself, why would you expect other people to be? And I get it.
It's tricky. Be generous in your praise. Of other people, sure. But what about yourself? I'm not saying walk around like like you earned everybody's back to step on because that's cocky, that's conceited. It's kinda trashy.
Have some humility, but understand that what you've accomplished. What you've done has married. Whether it was self induced, self inflicted, or in a group setting, or you had help or a support network, that counts for something.
But you also gotta be realistic in the fact that there's gonna be conflicting voices head, there's gonna be conflicting sides and perspectives and feelings and emotions. And I think to a certain degree, that's temptation.
Ed's jealousy. That's envy. Leave me not into temptation. Fuck off. Stand tall, get in front of the line. Let's see where this goes. Because 9 times out of 10, I'm going to face those challenges eventually anyways.
But for whatever accounts for being in my control, I'm gonna take them head on. Why would I want to avoid Temptation. Why would I want to avoid challenges?
It's the only way I'm gonna know how to handle it when it's harder later. Or what works and what didn't. It's the only way I'm gonna grow as a person. I'm not gonna go out of my way to make life difficult for people or for myself.
I'm certainly not gonna go out of my way to avoid challenges. Maybe that's teaching myself something new or enrolling in a class, maybe that's figuring out how to communicate better with a spouse, current ex whatever.
It doesn't matter. Make a new friend, mend a bridge with an old 1. A tone for your crimes, accept your poor decisions, Right?
Wrong or indifferent good, bad, acceptable, or not? That's what makes us human. And there's a very big temptation. To ignore it. Those aren't problems, those are natural because we're human, and that's fine.
But recognize them, and then follow-up with Why? And then address it as opposed to, I am such a failure. I'm such an idiot. I can't believe Enough of those moments, eventually, it's gonna take hold.
Accounting for jokes and metaphors and things, obviously. But but doubt, fear, A lack of focus, excuses, all of these things are gonna creep in. Account for your own ignorance allow for those things to happen.
You don't necessarily have to aim for the light. Just go that direction. Give yourself enough time, give yourself enough leeway, and just keep pushing that direction. You'll be alright. And that's what matters.
Right? Keeping that in mind, you can't undo what's in the universe, digitally included, mind you. There's a certain sense of justice, I think. Matter of fact, there's a saying that says the scales of justice are weighting gold.
He who holds the money holds the power. And where's the money at today? I don't know, social media, whoever you're paying attention to, they've got the power.
Long longevity, well, time will tell. But the power for sure, because they're influencing what you're hearing, what you're saying, what you're seeing, what you're doing.
Right? And you can't undo that. And so digitally, especially, look at this on a podcast. As a creator, right on Instagram, on YouTube, Twitch, Discord, whatever, is the same concept socially as it is physically in person.
You can't undo it. I mean, we've seen in the last couple months. Politicians 50 years ago, 40 years ago, putting on face paint, and now having a difficult time running for political office.
That's insane. People change. Right? It it's okay. But now imagine trying to undo, as a kid, for example, today's day and age, present day.
Whatever you've got online, you may be striving wholeheartedly every ounce and every effort of your being to presently be the you future you can be proud of.
But you gotta temper that. Yeah. But future me may outgrow this. Future me may not want this. I'm proud I was that courageous. I'm proud I was that bold. However, kind of wish I didn't put it online. Whatever that applies to.
Just keep it in mind, if everybody over the last few months had access to photos or videos from the 19 eighties and 19 seventies, Imagine what people are gonna have access to in the 20 sixties, 20 seventies. Crazy will tell the tales.
Justice will go where it will, At the end of the day, take care of yourself, take care of what you say to yourself, take care of your character, harness, maintain, recognize, enhance your values, employ them, but understand that you now have full authority and autonomy to create and dictate are you in the future that you now can be proud of becoming?
No matter how much social media has something to say about it. You're not competing with them. And my buddy, Jimmy, says, don't forget to be your own author too.
Anyway, guys, I appreciate you tuning in to this episode now starting August. 20 22, but for the time being guys, I'm Porter. I'm your host. And that is transacting value.