Transacting Value Podcast - Instigating Self-worth
Transacting Value Podcast
Tracy Inscore Profile Photo


Hi, I'm Tracy.

As a practicing attorney for the past 15 years, I know the destructive effects of burnout firsthand. I lived with severe depression, anxiety and adrenal fatigue for most of my career but felt too financially stuck to quit. I dreaded waking up nearly every single day, but was too afraid to let my law degree "go to waste" by starting over and doing something else. I tried everything to feel better--including changing jobs--but nothing helped.

That's because even though law practice can be stressful, it wasn't really the problem.

See the photo of me below? Even as a brand new graduate, the patterns of burnout had already been showing up in my life for years.

Lawyers are often given surface-level advice to simply be better at "self-care" or are given reactive strategies to deal with stress, rather than tools to deal with underlying, root cause issues. We try things like yoga and meditation, only to find that it seems impossible to quiet our's like trying to go from 100 to zero. Ironically, our logic and the ability to express ourselves, convince, persuade, rationalize, reframe and consider different perspectives--all of which likely serve us very well in our career--can actually derail us by keeping us stuck in our own heads.

Thankfully, through my own healing process I gained a deeper understanding of how the subconscious mind and our nervous system affect virtually every aspect of our behavior, thoughts and experiences--the body keeps score.

Now, I work with highly creative, empathic and brilliant lawyers who feel stuck in high-stress jobs that are literally sucking the life out of them, leaving them unable to share their amazing gifts and talents with the world.

I empower my clients with a transformative method to get out of constant crisis/survival mode so they can enjoy life again and either thrive in their existing career; or, find the peace and clarity they need to make a necessary career change that is in alignment with who they truly are.

Professional Qualifications
Level 2 EFT Tapping Practitioner, Center for EFT Studies.
Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner and Certified Life Coach, Transformation Academy.
Energy Anatomy Certification, Center for EFT Studies.
Juris Doctor, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law.