Transacting Value Podcast - Instigating Self-worth
Transacting Value Podcast

Host/Executive Producer - Transacting Value I Founder/Chief Strategist - SDYT Media

I spent decades lost, confused and overwhelmed trying to figure out how to integrate into society and within my sphere of influence. I grew up in a split household.

I got bullied and learned material that I’ve since forgotten, or learned more about people than academics. I joined the Marine Corps, and became a divorced, long-distanced father. Even when I was physically present, I spent more time staring at walls and listening to my own demons more than growing with my son.

I’m learning increased physical distance does not have to decrease capable influence. I’m learning who I am among some of the most knuckle-dragging, supportive bunch of people that I’d stand by any day of the week.

It may feel like you’re going through life alone; you’re not. We’re all growing through life together, skull-dragging one day at a time and getting stronger for it.