Transacting Value Podcast - Instigating Self-worth
Transacting Value Podcast
Patrick Kucharson Profile Photo


Find yourself settling for B- gifts for the A+ people in your life? That was me, until I found a simple, yet underutilized, hack to better gift-giving that anyone can use.

Tell me if this sounds similar to your normal gift-giving experiences…

By nature, I’m the kind of gift-giver that waits until like 3-4 weeks before a gift date and then essentially sprints to find and order a gift.

It can be:
Take the fun out of gift-giving
And often leads me to give B- gifts

The hack that worked for me is simple - compile the stories of the best gifts people have ever given or received --- and then COPY my own versions of those gifts. Now I have this curated library of stories that WE can pull inspiration from year-round.

Now I already have this list of stories + my analysis for how to create my own version of each gift

…and continue to have fun adding to it…so I figured why not create a free newsletter and share it with a broader audience?

The goal of this newsletter is for you, as a gift-giver, to regularly experience 2 of life’s greatest feelings:
1) The feeling of relief when you have great gift ideas far in advance of the gift date
2) The feeling of being SO unbelievably excited to give a great gift

My focus areas include:
Gift consultant | Gift-giving | Gift Ideas

Nov. 27, 2023

Revolutionizing the Art of Gift-Giving: Insights from Better Gift Coach's Founder, Patrick Kucharsson

Ever struggled to find the perfect gift? I know I have. That's why I sat down with Patrick Kucharsson, founder of Better Gift Coach, on this episode of Transacting Value. Patrick turned his own journey of self-reflection into a successful weekly newsletter dedicated to helping others give better gi…