Transacting Value Podcast - Instigating Self-worth
Transacting Value Podcast
Carla Palmer Profile Photo

Founder of GYSB Movement

Born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Carla has resided in Los Angeles, CA for 30+ years. In addition to being a health and fitness enthusiast, she is the mom to a wonderful adult son, a humanitarian, philanthropist, public speaker, professional fundraiser and development consultant. She currently serves as the Director of Development for a nonprofit in Los Angeles, CA with an operating budget of 7.4M dollars.

Over a decade ago, during the tail end of a challenging 3 year relationship, Carla realized she had focused so much time and energy on the relationship and her role as a single mom, that her health and weight management had taken a backseat to everything else. The once vibrant, energetic, size 8 Carla, had gone up 4 dress sizes and lost her zest for life.

Tired of merely existing to take care of others, Carla decided to make a change. Going back to her childhood love for jump rope, she set out on a journey to get her sexy back. While jump rope was her main go to as a busy mom working two jobs, she slowly started incorporating running, hiking, road biking, spin classes and boxing. Through fitness, she rediscovered who she was at the core—FUN! POSITIVE! ATHLETIC and DISCIPLINED!

Fitness changed Carla’s life and jump rope fitness was the activity she craved most. Now she wants to show others how jump rope fitness can change their life as well. She got her sexy back and is now committed to helping YOU stay accountable to Get Your Sexy Back (GYSB®) too!

May 29, 2023

Why You Need Your Sexy Back

With self-discipline your opportunities for self-improvement is endless. You can recharge your joy, do life differently, to inspire and motivate yourself and help others. Take negative situations and use them to positively change your self-worth. If you value a physically, …

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