Transacting Value Podcast - Instigating Self-worth
Transacting Value Podcast
Dec. 26, 2022

Aligning Work and Wealth with Family

Today we're discussing the inherent but underrated December core values of Faith, Hope, and Joy as strategies for character discipline and relative success, with the Founder of A Better Place Consulting, Bunny Young. We cover different aspects of constructive, critical, and honest feedback between …

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Dec. 24, 2022

Connecting with Others to Reconnect with Yourself

Today we're discussing the inherent but underrated December core values of Faith, Hope, and Joy as strategies for character discipline and relative success, with host of the podcast What Makes You Happy, Jake Pearson. We cover different aspects of constructive, critical, and honest feedback between…

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Dec. 19, 2022

Using Your Skills for Personal and Professional Momentum

Deborah Johnson is an inspirational speaker, author, and international award-winning music artist who helps others get unstuck by producing and executing a plan for their second half of life. She is also the co-host of the Women at Halftime podcast.

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Dec. 12, 2022

Worldwide Tours and Jazz For Peace

After watching the burning Twin Towers from a rooftop in NYC on September 11, 2001, he wrote a poem, “Jazz for Peace.” A few weeks later, he performed the poem at a concert, and later put the poem to music. And a vision was born – to bring people groups together through music. Roughly one year late…

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Dec. 5, 2022

Traits, Culture, and Personal Values

One lesson that is difficult for many students to grasp is that there is rarely one right answer when it comes to managing teams, people, and projects. For generations who grew up on multiple-choice tests where there was only one right answer, this concept can be difficult to accept. Students are g…

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Nov. 28, 2022

The Art and Science of Podcasting

Porter and Ari discuss the evolution of, the popularity of, and the competition that surrounds podcasting. The days of making some extra money by recording weekly conversations with your buddies in the garage are over. There is so much competition in podcasting and if you want to make money with th…

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Nov. 24, 2022

Thanksgiving Special: What are you Grateful For?

This episode explores the question: "What are you grateful for?" Showcasing podcast contributors from around the world, who despite varied backgrounds; upbringings; languages; religious beliefs; occupations; sexual orientations; political leanings; and socio-economic standings; all have one thing i…

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Nov. 21, 2022

Putting Your Money Where Your Values Are

“For people who are hungry to learn and self-educate, there is a lot of opportunity.” “There is a social aspect of being human in cyberspace.”

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Nov. 14, 2022

Stand By What You Stand For

“You can go through life being a sourpuss, or you can take the other road. I’ve done both in my life, and the road of gratitude is so much smoother.”

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Nov. 7, 2022

Thriving Through Adopted Perspectives

Alrighty folks, welcome back to Season 3, Episode 19 of Transacting Value Podcast! Debbie Ausburn is a lawyer, author, founder of Other People’s Children, and parent to other people's children. She brings much insight to the ...

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Oct. 31, 2022

Your Past Makes You Authentic

Angelina Abreu and Porter met at St. Leo University in St. Leo, Florida. It’s been about 15 years since they’ve spoken, and today Angelina joins him for a reacquaintance chat. They reminisce and catch up on their present lives. Angelina recently completed her Master’s in psychology and is creating …

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Oct. 24, 2022

Your Dope Superpower

Nikki Bradley is the founder of Nichely. She's  a brand strategist who helps female entrepreneurs build their personal and business brands. She helps the business leaders of organizations become brand ambassadors while building their personal brands. Nikki comes from a family of teachers, entrepren…

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Oct. 17, 2022

The Value of Marketplace Volatility

Mark Havenner is an executive leadership and marketing communications consultant helping business leaders and organizations communicate with their audiences. Businesses need to have a greater sense of purpose than just the bottom line. Consumers want to support companies that are aligned with their…

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Oct. 10, 2022

Consistency, Persistence, Comedy, and Perspective

Scott Edwards may not be very funny, but he knows a lot of funny people. Really funny people. People like Jay Leno, Seinfeld, and Bob Saget. The list goes on and on.

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Oct. 3, 2022

The Philanthropy of Your Character

Scott Carley, aka the Change Energizer, is a speaker and business coach for entrepreneurs and business owners, particularly when they are facing times of transition.

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Sept. 26, 2022

Helping Souls Shine

Porter’s guest is Bracha Goetz, author of 41 books (and counting). Through her illustrated children's books, she aims to help people of all ages grow spiritually.  As a young girl, Bracha had a food addiction that was healed after she learned to nourish herself spiritually, and she believes that ma…

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Sept. 19, 2022

Shared Prosperity: A North Star for Maturing Investments

Sharon Schneider is an author, speaker, consultant, and entrepreneur who helps wealthy individuals and corporations align their decisions with their values.

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Sept. 12, 2022

Explaining a New Reality of Fictional Nonfiction

Forgiveness, humility, and sacrifice are the values we’re focusing on in September. Today Porter talks with Christopher Kirk, a father of two and former infantryman.

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Sept. 5, 2022

Finding Humor Through Better Angels

Today Porter chats with Ms. Lynda, his mom, founder of Fit by Ms. Lynda and author of Please Put My Legs in the Car and Mom, I Can’t Lose You. As you might be able to guess from the titles of the books, Lynda has been through two catastrophic accidents, and she’s determined to help others overcome …

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Aug. 29, 2022

Tactfully Taxing

Taxes, if they are a certainty in life, they may as well be taken seriously and discussed with humor. There's a right way, a wrong way, and the government's way when it comes to filing them. If you value financial literacy during tax season, then this episode is for you.

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Aug. 22, 2022

Teaching Others How to Treat Us

Jennifer Furlong, host of the Communication TwentyFourSeven Podcast, is here with Porter to talk all things communication. Her passion is to help others become more confident and competent communicators. She helps clients turn nervous energy into fuel to research, reflect, and prepare for their nex…

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Aug. 15, 2022

Focaccia for Ukraine and the Philharmonic

Man of many talents, Ernie Porthouse is Porter’s guest today. Listeners are in for a treat. Ernie has a lot of life experience yet he has the energy and idealism of someone much younger. When inspiration strikes, he has the know-how, connections, resources, and experience to pursue his ideals – whe…

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Aug. 8, 2022

Successful Habits of a CEO

CEO of Textdrip, Phil Portman, came from humble beginnings, one of seven children. As a young man, he was focused on having enough money and was determined to be a millionaire one day. Through hard work and some key decisions along the way, not only is he successful in business, he is a family man …

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Aug. 1, 2022

The Warrior Within

The core values we’re focusing on for August are tact, generosity, and justice. Porter goes stream-of-consciousness about how our values impact the future of work. Individuals are valuing work that is more fluid which will allow for more creativity, passion, and specialized skill sets to shine thro…

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