Transacting Value Podcast - Instigating Self-worth
Transacting Value Podcast
June 27, 2022

Learning to Love the Versions of You

Today with social media, it is too easy to replace what life experiences you may be lacking for those of someone else. When we are out of balance as an individual, partnership or team,  the opportunity to reconnect, converse, express emotions, and recognize how others opinions differ from ours exis…

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June 20, 2022

Brand Loyalty for your Character

Loyalty to a brand is a personal choice, but a corporate focus. How to create an atmosphere for individuals to feel comfortable, welcomed, part of a family, valued? Why leave that brand? Organizational brands mimic personal relationships. Our character is our personal brand. How we interact with pe…

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June 13, 2022

Balancing Family Loyalties

For those times when your juggling everything that life throws at you without any formal circus training, playing the ringleader can seem daunting.  Some days, on top of your own goals and aspirations, balancing a family can seem near impossible. How do you balance your wants with a killer family l…

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June 6, 2022

Therapy is Childs' Play

Life is confusing and often can be overwhelming. "Be yourself," in certain situations, "Be a man," in others. "Grow up!" "That's not ladylike." There is a lot of value in authenticity; but there is a lot of complexity in balancing it with what may make you successful in your society. And that's jus…

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May 30, 2022

Be An Animal, Learn to Control It

Let's be honest, that was a terrible idea. Why would you say something like that? How did they deserve that? What could you have said differently? It's not who you are; it is how you responded. It is how you acted. It is what you said...Ownership of our own actions and words goes a long way towards…

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May 23, 2022

Tending to Your Own Garden

Like the seed, that in the fall must grow roots deep to survive and then rest before feeding and growing in the spring, or like the plants that must become stronger in spite of the stresses of life, so too must we as humans again learn from nature. A work ethic and self-reliance are essential to fa…

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May 16, 2022

Pushing Boundaries in our Couples Therapy

Learning curves build character. Experience gives you tools of which the value may not be readily apparent. But establishing boundaries for yourself and among others, aids in converting that experience into insight. Become the person and embody the character that you want your son or daughter to em…

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May 9, 2022

Respecting the Integrity of Your Trauma

Our traumas are relative to the impact they have on our perspectives. Our perspective is relative to each one of us. Sometimes all it takes is a different perspective to help pull through some trauma. If you have some skeletons that you buried, unresolved demons you haven't faced, or just want to l…

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May 2, 2022

Value Creation, Wealth Generation, and Self-respect

You have value. Your cells have a self-replicating capability. To that fact alone, scientists and engineers alike would spend fortunes to claim a patent to that process. Your personality is contagious. Virologists and researchers alike would bet salaries to study that efficacy. Your hobbies, skill …

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April 25, 2022

A Costumer with a Cause

Sometimes outside strength and confidence only comes from the maturity to accept your vulnerabilities, be genuine, and manage your insecurities. But how do you know how someone else is managing? What about your own alter-ego? Or how do you work with the alter-egos of others? More importantly, how d…

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April 18, 2022

Honest Creativity with AMP Spray Art

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." But how do you know how someone would act if they were in your position? How is it possible to empathize without injecting your own bias and perspective? Isn't it just treating others the way that you would treat others then? If you have struggle…

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April 11, 2022

The Psychology of Your Own Design

Everyone has a reason why they act a certain way. Meet people where they are, establish mutual respect, and ensure that in validating the emotions of other people, you aren't invalidating your own boundaries. But how? Says easy, does hard. If you have worked to curate your own space, your own circl…

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April 4, 2022

Stress, Metal, and Ancient Sins

"Be a man"; "Emotions are for sissies"; "Toughen up"; these are all basically told in some form to every boy as he grows. But without an outlet, the stress and pressure of life can be physically and mentally toxic. What works for some may not work for all. But, if you have ever felt like music is y…

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March 28, 2022

Building the Real You

Visualize your inner strength; accept resistance, build resilience; graft what society pushes towards your narrative into the character of your character. Says easy, does hard. How do you do that? What steps can you take? Our next guest explains exactly that. If you have ever felt like you just nee…

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March 21, 2022

Servant Leadership and Public Servants

"Do unto others"; "Serve those whom you lead"; "Leaders eat last"; these are all axioms that don't seem to be lining recruiting brochures for the United States military service officer. On the contrary, having a commission to serve as a military officer is not as simple as fall into the hierarchy, …

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March 14, 2022

Grow Together, Recover Together

Our next guest has used growth and compassion to console, empathize, and inspire Marines and their families through mental encouragement and the recovery of the human spirit. Is the grass greener outside of the active duty Marine Corps? How great are the benefits of a benefits package? More importa…

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March 7, 2022

Comparison and Competition with Ben Green

Our next guest is using growth and compassion to inspire hundreds of firefighters, EMTs, and paramedics across 2,500 square miles, over 15 years of service and life experience to become an epitome of confidence and character. What is the truth behind the pastor's kid stereotype? More importantly, h…

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Feb. 28, 2022

Good Guys, Bad Boys, and Twilight

"Be nice"; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"; "Mind your manners"; these are all basically taught in some form to every child. But does being a good person really set you up for success? But then where does a "bad boy" come from? And why do they always seem to get ahead first? If …

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Feb. 21, 2022

SARchasm: Relationships with the Subtle Art of Rhetoric

As every relationship starts with a dash of deceit, following our February core values of Love, Kindness, and Patience to Plato and Aristotle is the only natural course to chart. Disagree? Only openness and honesty in your past? If you have ever felt like you need to protect yourself and not be squ…

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Feb. 14, 2022

Fulfillment through Hope, Kindness, and Peter Pan

As a drama instructor, mentor, Entertainment Journalist, and now happily married father of two, our guest is using kindness, hope, and patience to create an acceptance of people and situations who are more different than he would like them to be. Who is this real-life characterization of Peter Pan …

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Feb. 7, 2022

The Power of Cancer Culture

Many know him from the Navy, more from his American Idol audition, and still others know him as an inspiration, as one who uplifts fellow cancer fighters and their families. Over roughly a decade, Micah Johnson from Georgia, the one who sang “Chicken Fried” for his Season 12 American Idol auditi…

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Jan. 31, 2022

Mjolnir as a Mindset with Geekster the Supernerd

From the hood of Belzoni, Mississippi and the retro of a 90's arcade scene, to digital media entrepreneur and Nerdcore Hip-Hop artist, our guest is using honesty and loyalty to channel his emotion and perspective into his three studio-released albums. Who is Geekster the Supernerd? What is Nerdcore…

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Jan. 24, 2022

Walkabout with Jonesy

From the road in the Australian bush, our guest host is bringing his perspective on our January core values of Ambition, Perseverance, and Reflection to the forefront of his long-haul drive. Jonesy is also the host of the Walkabout segment on Survival Dad YT the video series, and a long-distance fa…

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Jan. 17, 2022

Sacrifice and Trust with Christian Monge

How do sacrifice, trust, perseverance and reflection fulfill spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical well-being? What type of legacy do you create for your lineage? What about from your physical self left behind for the public as your virtual self outlives you? If you have ever thought of these …

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