Transacting Value Podcast - Instigating Self-worth
Transacting Value Podcast
Dec. 27, 2021

The Value of New Year's Resolution

The New Year is here. The Earth has completed another journey around the sun. To put this monumental journey in perspective, the earth is spinning around the sun at 66,000 miles an hour, traveling 584 million miles around the sun. No wonder it feels like the year flew by!  And with the New Year …

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Dec. 24, 2021

Christmas Special

‘Tis the season of joy, hope, faith, peace, friendliness, neighborliness, and wonder. Yes, it’s Christmastime. Porter and Daex reflect on Christmas in the US and around the world. Will and Jonesy pop in briefly too, adding to the conversation.  Remember how magical Christmas felt when you were a…

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Dec. 20, 2021

Coping Strategies and Mental Resiliency

Lee’s past jobs include lifeguard, police officer, and Marine – all jobs that, he felt, gave him a sense of identity, structure, and camaraderie. And he lost all of those things when he became a stay-at-home dad, the hardest job he’s ever had.

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Dec. 13, 2021

Ownership of Your Mentality

Our mentality can color how we feel about different situations and circumstances. What seems normal to one person might be offensive to another. What one person sees as an obstacle, another sees as an opportunity.  Take harassment and bullying, for instance. Most would have nothing but negative …

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Dec. 6, 2021

The Value of Communication with Jimmy Mullen

As humans, we communicate in many different ways – through writings, speech, nonverbal actions and expressions, dance, art, and music. Communication is crucial to our productivity, our ability to work together, to becoming better individuals, to accomplishing our dreams.  Today Porter is joined …

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Nov. 29, 2021

Culture of your Mind

We experience culture in various ways – in our homes, schools, neighborhoods, work, and society. There is also a culture in our minds. It’s the only culture that we experience that we have complete control over. What is the culture of your mind?  The culture of your mind will influence the exter…

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Nov. 22, 2021

Appreciation and Gratitude with Daex Evans

Alrighty folks, welcome back to Episode 4 of Transacting Value Podcast! It’s Thanksgiving time in the US, and today Porter sits down with his pal Daex for a talk about gratitude and appreciation. The conversation ranges from light-hearted banter – about pecan and pumpkin pie, ham versus turkey, yam…

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Nov. 15, 2021

Depression with Will

Alrighty folks, welcome back to episode 3 of Transacting Value Podcast! This episode tackles sadness, grief, and depression – how they’re similar and how they are different. We talk about voluntary and involuntary emotions, triggers, crying, regret, frustration, burnout, grief, self-worth, and self…

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Nov. 8, 2021

ADHD with Jonesy

Alrighty folks, welcome back to Episode 2 of Transacting Value Podcast! In this episode, Porter and Jonesy discuss Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Jonesy has firsthand experience with the disorder. They discuss how you discuss your emotions or your perspective, the struggle to lear…

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Nov. 1, 2021


Alrighty folks, welcome to Episode 1 of Transacting Value Podcast! Welcome to the inaugural episode of the Transacting Value podcast. Let me tell you how this podcast came to be. It started with trying to connect with my son long-distance. I only get to see him a couple of times a year, and to have…

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