Today we're discussing the inherent but underrated December core values of Faith, Hope, and Joy as strategies for character discipline and relative success, with host of the podcast What Makes You Happy, Jake Pearson. We cover different aspects of constructive, critical, and honest feedback between you and yourself, or other people. If you are new to the podcast, welcome! If you're a continuing listener, welcome back! Thanks for hanging out with us and enjoying the conversation because values still hold value.
Alrighty folks, welcome back to Season 3, Episode 26, our 2nd Annual Christmas Special, of Transacting Value Podcast!
Jake Pearson hails from Victoria, Australia, and is the host of the What Makes You Happy podcast where he interviews people from all over the world about what makes them happy. While joy and happiness are universal emotions, what ignites joy in each of us is unique. And what ignites joy is intricately linked to our individual values.
Each of us can live our lives according to the values of others, or we can dare to live according to our own values and, in so doing, find greater joy.
As a personal trainer, Jake helps build self-confidence in others by shifting internal dialogs. He encourages others to highlight things that are going well in their lives and build momentum from a place of positivity. He recognizes that being internally motivated will yield more and better fruit than what can come from external forces.
Jake encourages listeners to identify one or two things that bring them happiness. What are the things you gravitate to so much that you forget time exists? Incorporate more of those things in your day-to-day life. That is prioritizing you as an individual and the things that you value. Then ask, “Why does this make me happy? What about it brings me joy?”
Quotes from today’s episode
“You can live your life in accordance with what you value, or you can live your life in accordance with what other people value for you.”
“What drives us is all the things on the inside.”
“I love leaving people with something from every interaction – maybe a little bit of inspiration or a little bit more clarity or focus or direction.”
“If you cannot serve yourself, you are not showing up at 100% to serve other people. You owe it to yourself to be the best version of yourself by doing the things that are important to you.”
Sponsors and Resources mentioned in today’s episode:
(7:30) Buzzsprout affiliate link
(16:29) Keystone Farmers Market
(22:53) Developing Character segment
(27:48) What Makes You Happy Podcast
(34:57) The Bee and the Bear Creations
Find Jake and his podcast via his website, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, Apple, and Spotify
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An SDYT Media Production I Deviate from the Norm
All rights reserved. 2021
You can live your life in accordance with what you value or you can live your life in accordance with what other people value for you.
Alrighty, folks. Welcome back to transacting value, where we're encouraging dialogue from different perspectives to unite over shared values.
Our theme for closing out essentially season 3 of the podcast is the character of your character. So who you are and what you see when you look your values in the mirror.
Now first and foremost, This is December. This is the holiday season. So Merry Christmas, Shangdanti and Quail, Noel, everybody who's listening to this podcast, and obviously our primary audience is in regions around the world.
However, if you're new to the podcast, welcome and if you're a continuing listener, welcome back.
Today, we're talking our December core values of faith, hope and joy with the host of the podcast, what makes you happy from Victoria Australia, Jake Pearson. So without further ado, folks on Porter, I'm your host.
And this is our annual Christmas special of transacting value. Jake, how you doing, man? Welcome to the show. Hey, Josh. Thanks for having me. I'm actually doing really well for a Sunday morning.
So excited to be here. Yeah. I appreciate it, man. And again, all things considered. It is your weekend. It is early where you're at. So taking some time out of your life just to be vulnerable.
You know, you spend if I had to guess somewhere around 10 minutes a week talking about what makes other people happy on your podcast, But I'm sure throughout your life, throughout your week, loads more time goes into planning and what actually makes people happy to come up with something cohesive.
Right? Yeah. I spend probably about 10 minutes Speaking to people about what makes them happy, on the podcast.
And then in person, that's a question I like to ask too, but that behind the scenes is always a hell of a lot of planning that goes into something like this as you would know because, you know, if we wanna make it perfect to as close to it as we can, and we just we want it to work.
You know, we wanna share something amazing, and so we can't really just fluff about and do nothing.
You know, the kind of person like me that's gonna put in a lot of work for these things to be successful and to reach more people and to help more people Yeah.
Dude, and I gotta say, I love the idea for your podcast. It's so simple, but it's such a big topic. And then it's broadly applicable, and it's super relatable for everybody.
It doesn't matter your background, anything. It's a killer idea, man. I love your graphics. The flow, it's short so you can digest it and process, and it's relatable. I think you're doing an awesome job.
I really appreciate that. And just on that, you've been a guest on the show as well, which was a really fun episode to do. So you guys haven't heard Josh's episode that might be something worth doing.
Yeah. For sure. December first, it came out on what makes you happy podcast. You can track it down on Spotify and all those links just for my episode, but for the podcast as well, that'll be in the show notes for this interview.
So everybody wanting to follow along with Jake can do that also. Jake, I got some questions for you though, man. People that may not know who you are, which is a fair assumption to be quite a few, start with some relatability.
Right? So outside of living in Australia, maybe where were you born? What do you do? What sort of has helped shaped your perspective?
Yeah. So really great question there. And I'll try not to waffle on because I am infamous for doing so. Basically, born in Victoria in Australia, so write down the southern side of the country.
I'm a personal trainer, been a personal trainer for 7 years, had a hell of a lot of self confidence issues and self steam issues and anxiety issues growing up.
And I fell into personal training because I wanted to do boxing, which probably by the time this airs I will have had my first fight coming on December eleventh. So that's what inspired me to become a trainer.
And from there on, I grew in self confidence, self worth, and just a whole new level of perspective started to open up for me when I was interacting with other people and learning about them, I started to grow and you know, get out of that cell that a lot of side teenagers have.
And I think interacting with people really helped shaped a lot of different perspectives for me.
I look, there's so many things we could go off, and I can't wanna keep it relevant to what we're saying. But if I had to say 1 of the best perspectives that I've gained or for myself was I'm in control of my actions and behaviors.
And it took such a long time to realize that. But when I I did an online course, just to further my knowledge through cognitive behavioral therapy.
Right? And there was this 1 unit that just hit me, like, a ton of bricks. I was like, whoa. I'm in control of my actions and my behavior, and how I perceive the world around me is how which will influence my actions and my behaviors.
And when I really realized that my whole outlook on interactions with people, interactions with myself. Now I spoke to myself with my internal dialogue change.
I think there's a lot of things that we could unpack there, but for the sake of time, something that you mentioned that carries quite a bit of weight, especially given the holiday season.
Is in interacting with other people and in learning about other people, you are able to more readily be comfortable with yourself talk to yourself in a positive way that helped influence your perspective, your worldview, and then ultimately your self confidence and your self esteem.
And that's huge. But what was it, if anything specific, about working with other people that helped you identify that in yourself? Was it common deficiencies or common things that you both had in common or just, you know, what was it?
Yeah. That's a good question. I think Working with other people, I realized that we're all actually really similar. We all wanna be happy. We all want to have some measure of success in our own way.
We all crave connection to be loved, to have family, to be around friends, and I focused heavily on the external as a trainer. It was very much yeah, I wanna change my external appearance, and then that's what people come to you for.
But then as time grew on, and I actually got into really deep conversations and as I begin to age up, get a bit more life experience. I realized what drives us was all the things on the inside.
And this is me just coming up as 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 year old, starting to think deeper about someone Already folks sit tight and we'll be right back on transacting value. Alrighty folks.
Here at transacting value, we write and produce all the material for our podcast in house. Gain perspective alongside you, our listeners, and exchange vulnerability and dialogue with our contributors every Monday morning.
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And then that's what people come to you for But then as time grew on and I actually got into really deep conversations and as I begin to age up, getting a bit more life experience, I realized What drives us was all the things on the inside.
And this is me just coming up as 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 year old starting to think deeper about someone, not just the surface level of what I see.
Like, if I see you right now, I'm like, yeah, he's got a really fantastic mustache, you know, actually hang on. What drives the decision for that fantastic mustache? Why does Florida want that mustache?
As I begin to learn about the deeper core values of others, it made me think about my own core values and what I valued as a person through those interactions over time and as I started to grow and mature in life from all of those interactions and conversations with different people And these are people, like, I'm 19 20 or, you know, at that point -- Mhmm.
-- 26 now, interacting with people twice 3 times my age, and spending quality time with them, learning about their body, learning about their family, their social life, their whole lives, and just really isn't leaching off their life experience of wisdom, and I naturally became curious.
And so did asking deeper and harder questions because I found, hey, this is fascinating.
What drives people? And then that just carried over to asking myself these questions while having these conversations with others, and that's kind of how I arrived to the answers than I have today.
Okay. Well, you said family, friends, obviously clients along the way, and and other people that you were just able to talk to, but This is the holiday season, Jake.
And so, first of all, opposite hemispheres in the world, almost opposite points in the world And I'm willing to bet for the Christmas season, New Year season, you're still gonna have people coming over.
They're still gonna be gathering. So you mean to tell me that your seasonal holiday conversations consist of introspection? Or are these topics you still talk about with people at these types of parties and get togethers?
Yeah. I talk about these things. Let's say, I went to a party quite recently, right, to say, bunch of high school friends and people I've grown up with.
And I went around to them and asked them what they thought their greatest strength was. Oh, yeah. Mind you, I was probably 10 BSD, whatever.
But I really I really wanted to ask them what they thought their greatest strength was of themselves because I wanted to inspire them to double down on their strength to at least know themselves a little bit better.
I love with even people with just something from every interaction, maybe a little bit of inspiration or a little bit more clarity or focus or direction of where they can take next steps in their lives, I'm not just gonna sit there and try to coach them.
But just through fun conversations, and I do the same thing with my family.
I try to steer them in directions of growth But there's a lot of introspection for me. I'm always thinking about myself and how I'm growing as a person and monitoring myself.
But I definitely carry these conversations over into the Christmas and New Year and holiday period because that's the time where I get this spend energy with the people I love and cherish and really wanna be around.
And as a part of me, I like to ask these questions.
I I like to get deep into what drives a person and understand where they're headed and what their thought patterns are I can't switch that off. So but I so I instead of switching it off, I go hard on it. You know?
And in a time where we're all really conscious of how we're gonna look and appear to those we haven't seen in such a long time and or what they're gonna be doing, what I'm trying to get people conscious to think about themselves, their values, and in this period of giving and connection because the new year is just around the corner.
Yeah. To get them started on it sooner, instead of waiting for them to think about the new year's goals 2 days before new years, give them a month lead up, start challenging them to grow now.
You know, you know you know what I'm saying sooner rather than later. Well, that's a lot of it too.
Right? Also, it gives you time to actually develop what could become a a better habit as opposed to then, like you said, starting a month behind the curve, end of January, you're like, well, this habit didn't work.
I'm done with it. You don't actually give yourself the opportunity. 1 of the things you just mentioned, though, was after seeing people or not seeing people, I guess, in such a long time, people change.
Right? And then not just physically, but their outlooks, their perspectives usually though, their values maybe haven't changed. Drives them or inspires them, usually hasn't changed too much.
It may be evolved to be more complex. But ultimately hasn't changed too much. So since you've sort of stumbled on this, let's call it 8 or 9 years ago, and you've been cultivating your thought process, your perspective.
Does it ever get on anybody's nerves? Anybody ever wake up on a bad day and be like, Jake, not today, man.
Let's not today. All the time. You know, all the time. Sometimes I'm just too optimistic for people to handle. Yeah. Too forward thinking for people to handle because that's just how I live my life.
I don't really take a lot of time to dwell on things that 1 might say is negative. I don't take a lot of time to sort of just sitting all over things. I'm always going, okay, what's the next step? How can I be a better person?
What can I gain from this? How can I learn? I'm always excited by that. I'm excited by growth in general. And if that's expanding on the complexity of my own values or diving deeper into my thought processes or what drives my behaviors.
I love that stuff. And so I really I really latch on to those conversations So I'm I can't help it, but naturally impart those things or want to have those things with every interaction that I can at all times.
Like, for example, my girlfriend will probably hate me for these conversations because I'll just be sitting there.
A simple question will be like, oh, she'll ask me and answer a question. And then I'll go into coaching mobile. Well, what do you think? You know? What do you think you could say to that answer?
Or how do you think you feel about that? Just to try and get them to internalize or externalize our own thoughts and fluss things. They're more like that's in every interaction And I can see why people are just like, don't.
But I'm like, would you rather me be someone who's a bit more pessimistic and negative or not forward thinking? How fun would I be then? This part of me, you can't erase that and you never will erase that.
Yeah. Definitely. And then also just because they're I guess, deeper topics gives you the opportunity to get to know people better. The strength of your relationships is so much better.
The ability to trust people, when you understand them to that level, drastic changes. And just on that, I find myself. I grew I would take to those deeper conversations wherever I can.
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I'm a very friendly guy. I can talk to anyone in any situation anywhere, and it's just amazing. I don't know why I just do it. Can have a conversation with a guy I've never met, and within 5 to 10 minutes, I'm using my my best friend.
So I avoid if I can those really small talk conversations now. Just by habit, if I think that conversation's gonna just be really small sometimes, and I'm not in the mood for it, I don't want it.
I really wanna go for it straight for the deeper conversation, really for the depth I just gravitate towards that naturally. And I think sometimes even myself, I'm like, really, I wanna do this. Okay?
So I could see why people around me, friends, family, sometimes may not wanna have those conversations because they're not in the place to have those conversations yet, I definitely, I think, take it upon myself to wanna help them be able to have those conversations with themselves.
Because I know how powerful it's been for me. Well, I mean, that's sort of the hurdle that you're gonna run into though.
Let me ask you this. Are you hosting or you going to parties and get togethers for the holidays? Yeah. So I have a party slash. I've got a wedding I'm going to with a lot of high school friends.
I've got I'm hosting 2 Christmas days at my house. So Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with 2 halves of the family. So it's gonna be quite wild. Yeah. So bridging those gaps.
We're trying at least to either unite some of those perspectives or just give people a way to better rely on themselves and learn about themselves like you mentioned earlier, sometimes you gotta take that on faith.
Like, I'm stuck. You know what I mean? Creatively, intuitively, I don't know how that makes me feel. I don't have an answer. You know what I mean?
I'm stuck. And so you just have to take it on faith that, alright. Well, if I ask myself that enough, eventually, I'll come to something it doesn't even matter if it's good, or solid, or stable, or bad, it's a point to start from.
And I I think, tell me your thoughts, Once that happens, and you've got a starting point, everything's exponentially easier in terms of identifying where you align and how you want to improve.
Right? Yeah. I've been stuck plenty of times. I think it's less and less now -- Mhmm.
-- purely because I feel like I'm living or in alignment with my values, and I'm getting clearer on what it is that I really want. For myself, for my future, for my family, whatever it is. Mhmm. But I've been stuck countless times.
And the thing that every time I knew I'd get out of it, because I trusted that I would sit, process, readjust, fire, and I'd go up and come down, I'd get stuck again, and then I'd have to tell myself, okay, you've been through this plenty of times.
What are we missing? What's the next step and then just start? I'd use that opportunity to listen to myself, listen to other people, and you know things will just appear like old manifestor, listen to a a podcast.
Right? It could be listening to your podcast, and you say 1 golden again, like, that's the next thing.
That allows me to take that step forward. Mhmm. So I'm open to those information sources and I just I don't actively search for the answer, but it just comes to me when it needs to do an untrust in those things.
But, yeah, when you're stuck, what what do you do when you feel like nothing's working?
Mhmm. Well, 1 thing I really liked asked, man, And this was 1 of those aha moments I was listening to a podcast by Tony Robbins was in in with Logan Paul on that, and he was saying so many people focus on, and this is paraphrasing.
What's going wrong for them first? And they never take time to consider what's going right in their life.
And that is when I switched off the podcast, and I drove in silence for 20 minutes. My mouth was just Yeah. Yeah. Hang in. I was like, why does that make so much sense to me?
And then I was every time I've been in a negative head space and I've been looking at things from a really dark perspective, as you would say, it was because I was focusing on what was going wrong and never highlighting the things that were going well.
Even though with so many things going well and you know how people say, even when you're in a negative space, people are like, dude, you've got this going for you, and this is going well, you know.
Oh, yeah. You're doing okay. But you still focus on the negative.
You highlight the negative, and Once I realized that, I was like, oh, I'm completely in control. So every time I got into those negative head spaces, and this is something anyone can do for free right now is, cool.
You've got your negatives. Now list off every little positive thing that's happened to you, say, in the last 6 months, doesn't have to be in the last week because you might not have had a lot of little wins, but -- Mhmm.
-- just list off every positive thing that's gone well for you in the last 8 6 months, and that's oh, you know, I bought a house.
I started boxing, oh, I learned this, and I learned this, and I did this, and I did this, and this happened, and this happened, and this happened. I was like, oh, yeah, that's right.
That happened. And all of a sudden I'm like, I'm just taking myself from focusing on concentrating solely on those negative experiences to a hell of a lot of positives that outweighs those negatives, and it just really grounds me.
And I'm like, yeah, life isn't so bad. In that moment anymore, and that's how I pull myself out of those slumps, you know, rough spots, top points.
Let me ask you this then. This is a is a good opportunity, I think, to interject a segment called developing character developing character.
And, Chad? Yeah. It looked like Cool, man. Here's how it works. I'm gonna ask you 3 questions specifically as vulnerable as you wanna be as in-depth as you wanna answer, but all 3 are from your perspective entirely.
Alright? Yes, sir. Okay. First question. What were some of your values as a teenager? Very vain. I wanted to have a 6 pack, and I wanted girls to be attracted to me.
I wanted to have lots of friends. I was like, I wanted to be liked. And I didn't probably want to be broke. Not pretty sure they're the only values that I could think of that in that time, we didn't have any other values.
Fair point. Well, you're probably in good company. Probably in a a huge company, actually. But so second question, present tense. You've already touched on a little bit but then so what are some of your values now?
I absolutely love connection. You know, I really value a strong relationship with those around me, like, that trust that someone can come up and say, hey, look, I'm in a certain way.
I really need your help. And I love that I can have those connections and that trust with those around me. That's probably the most important 1. I still value money because money solves a lot of problems for me.
But it's not my sole focus anymore. I'm also really big on the value of happiness, which you know, we'd probably align with what I'm actually doing with the podcast. Yeah. But I really value being present, grateful, and happy.
And let's just put this into perspective. I went to guns n roses last night here in Melbourne. Nice. Yeah. And it was a late night. And everybody's singing along clapping into the music.
And there's probably may probably 1 of the only people in that stage sitting back and looking at everybody else and their interactions with the music and the atmosphere, and I'm I'm just enjoying seeing other people be happy and just be present and grateful.
So that's something I really value too is watching other people live their life the way they want to and be present and happy in their life. But that's something that's really fulfilling for me, and I get a real kick out of that.
Sure. And it's ironic that it all started with you paying attention to other people in the first place. Yeah. Crazy. Just didn't get And now it's me paying attention to 70000 people in a stadium like, okay, Jake.
What makes you better than everyone else? So you can do that and they can't do that, you know, It was just really a weird moment. Yeah. Well, that works perfectly. Then we will roll into question number 3 then.
How do you see some of your values changing over the next 20 years? Yeah. That's a question that I don't think I'm that prepared answer. But if I had to say the ones that I have now, I think are only gonna be greater expanded upon.
Or refined for simplicity. Now that I'm in a state of I love seeing people grow, and I love seeing people smile and interact and be happy, and as a person for themselves, I never wanna lose that value.
And I hope that passion and drive only gets bigger, bigger, and bigger to see other people be successful and do well and just smile at little things in their life and be really present.
I think money will drive me to a point where I I have too much money and then I don't have to worry about it anymore. Mhmm. And then I think once I have that, there's gonna be a really cool respective change and value change there.
On how I interact with money. Can't tell you right now because I haven't had that, you know, infinite amount of money come yet, but it will. And when it does, my values will change around money there.
And then my own my own happiness, I think, you know, as you grow, you have so many different life experiences. You have so many different interactions with the world around you, I can't even fathom how that's gonna look.
Like, as I am now, I feel very grounded. And very happy within my values, and I could go through the rest of my life, having them the way they are, and being very content.
But I know that's not gonna be the I don't get the choice of that. They're gonna grow and change and evolve in a way that just aligns with who I want to be, at that time.
Sure. When it has to. Right? I mean, as time, technology, and people, and everything else happens around you, you have to learn how to communicate to to survive and to thrive in those environments.
But it's not just with other people. It's with yourself too, so that counts for quite a bit.
Already folks sit tight and we'll be right back on transacting value. What makes you happy? Do you know the answer to this question? With 1440 minutes in a day, it's easy to spend time thinking about everything but your happiness.
So why not take 5 minutes to remind yourself of all the happiness you have? When you hear host Jake Pearson asked the question to people all over the world, What makes you happy?
Right. I mean, as time, technology, and people, and everything else happens around you, you have to learn how to communicate to to survive and to thrive in those environments.
But it's not just with other people. It's with yourself too, so that counts for quite a bit. Yeah. Yeah. So let me ask you this then, talking about trust, depth of relationship.
Talking about that sort of ability to rely on other people and then you to derive enjoyment from other people's happiness you obviously convey that in your podcast.
It's easy to see on your social media pages. But is it actually that effective? Do you think in 5 to 7 minutes for you to build that depth of a relationship with somebody? Or do you recommend that's just how you started?
So 5 to 7 minutes is the podcast, and you can definitely do that in in 7 minutes. I'm doing it in 5 to 7 minutes. On a podcast. I'm getting a greater understanding into all of my, I guess, slides at Desona.
I would like to say, uniquely to me, though, because of my life experiences and how I've spent a lot of time watching people and interacting with them and all the growth that I've done that I can build those relationships very quickly.
Some people, it's hard because they, you know, they step into that podcast only mode, and they say what they need to say and they don't truly be themselves.
So if someone doesn't show up as themselves genuinely or authentically, then that bridge becomes harder because you gotta break down that wall first.
But those who do show up genuinely or authentically, and you'll know as listeners, like, you meet people in your life and you're just like, well, this person's sick.
I love this person. You know, we just vibed. We hit it off straight away. I get gets like that, like yourself, Josh.
When when we record it, what do we do? We spoke for an hour afterwards. Yeah. And we just had this click. I was just sick. You you meet those people that you can make those quick deeper relationships really easily.
And some people that it's it's harder that's more work involved because of, you know, their life experience and the things that they've experienced.
But I do think if you want to make deeper connections with someone and if only you got a short period of time, you've gotta ask yourself, well, am I gonna try and force a deeper connection here, or should I just let it happen if it happens?
Yeah. I like that. That's definitely something to fall back on given everybody going to visit everybody else this season as well, so that counts for quite a bit.
But listen, Jake, in the last, I don't know, 9 or 10 minutes or so that we've got Let me ask you 2 other questions, and then I'm gonna give you the floor specifically here.
I'll bring it up in just a second why. So Second, the last question I've got for you, let's consider this appreciating value.
Alright? Mhmm. So what have been your biggest lessons? As you've worked more closely to align with your values. My biggest lessons See, I don't think I'm gonna say lessons.
I might just go with 1, and that is that you can live your life in accordance with what you value -- Mhmm. -- or you can live your life in accordance with what other people value for you.
And so many people, really, doing what other people want for them, that falls back on parents and a lot of pressure from society and and their bosses and their partners and their family, they're like, they're doing things for other people that serve other people and not doing things for the fact of serving themselves.
And if you are someone who is listening, what I love serving other people. That's great. I love serving other people too. But if you can't serve yourself, you are not showing up at a hundred percent to serve other people.
And so you owe it to yourself to be the best version of yourself by doing the things that are important to you setting boundaries, saying no to other people, hey, no. Look, if you want to be someone who write a book.
If you gotta sit down and you gotta do the work, you can't just write a couple pages, you'll never get that book written. Right? You need to make time for you to show up as just you without the distractions of other people in your life.
So start asking yourself what other things that I truly wanna do And if you can think about 1 or 2 things that bring you so much happiness, like an infinite amount of happiness that you lose yourself in when you do, not as a distraction to distract yourself from the world around you, but what is the thing that you gravitate towards doing so much that when you do it, you just forget timing exists.
Yeah. And start to incorporate that more into your day to day life, then you start to prioritize you as a person and the things that you value. And then you can you can go deeper and ask yourself, well, why does this make me happy?
What about this brings me so much joy? Mhmm. And be conscious and be present of the things that really do make you happy and sit and observe yourself in those moments.
Think that, okay, I'm sitting here at this podcast. Take yourself out of I'm taking myself out of myself right now, and I'm sitting on the shelf behind me.
I'm just watching myself low speak. Cultivate a really beautiful conversation with you. That's what truly makes me happy, and I know that I really enjoy these deeper conversations.
So find that thing that you've been avoiding and putting off because you've been giving your time to people and really start to invest time into that 1 thing that you can just lose yourself in as a person that you really wanna do that's gonna help you get it clearer.
Because once you experience that more and more often, you go, I wanna do that all the time. Oh, yeah. How can I do that all the time?
And then you start to take that next step into living within your alignment or your something that you value very closely So you stop living for other people as much, and you start to live for yourself a little bit more.
And when you get really comfortable at doing that, you start to think, well, what else can I do? What other things can I do that I really value that I've been pushing aside?
Already folks sit tight and we'll be right back on transacting value. Hey, y'all. It's Juules here with the b and the bear creations. We specialize in custom tumbler t shirts, car decals, and anything else you can think of.
If you are looking to order a custom item for yourself or for someone else as a gift, Please go find me on Facebook and shoot me a message and we'll get that order started for you.
Again, you can find me at the bee and the Bear creations on Facebook. I look forward to helping you create your custom item. So you stop living for other people as much, and you start to live for yourself a little bit more.
And when you get really comfortable at doing that, you start to think, well, what else can I do? What other things can I do that I really value that I've been pushing aside?
Sure. And I know it's hard having kids, and you can be a carer, and you could work 80 hours a week. Yep. But if you don't prioritize you now, when you get to the end of your road and you look back, are you gonna be happy?
Are you gonna be very disappointed that you didn't make time for the things that you wanted to do. And and that's it right there. That's why it's important to try to figure out what makes you happy sooner than later.
Right? Absolutely. The second question I have for you and this may only be 1 or 2 words. But what are some current challenges you're facing as you continue to improve?
Great question. Maybe time management, maybe diet, maybe whatever, but could be anything. So I'll shoot up some things. So time management, I've downloaded an app, and I've started tracking.
Every habit and activity that I wanna do and just putting it down so I can come back to it. So it's improving my efficiency and productivity when I need to be productive.
Like, died. That was really hard. I've never had to lose weight for my life. Always tried to gain weight. Now I've had to lose weight for this fight coming up.
And that was very challenging actually monitoring my intake. And sometimes, that was a new thing that I've had to experience. Oh, yeah. It's given me an element of reliability and understanding.
But despite the composure, me looking and feeling so calm and in control of my life, there are aspects that I feel out of my control and even I react sometimes without thinking still, and that's something I do wanna get a better control of specifically in my relationship like, I'll get asked a question and I'm not ready to answer that question.
So I'll just say something and then I'll go away and I'll go, I didn't want to say it that way. Yep.
So that that's something that I'm trying to improve significantly, and I wouldn't be able to improve that if it didn't have that level of self awareness that I had now, And probably, I don't actually think there's too much more that I'm trying to actively improve Yeah.
But those 3 things alone can take up months and years of your life. So Oh, yeah. It it may not seem like a lot. But yeah. Exactly. It's gotta be an enduring type of process.
Yeah. Speaking of a process, though, if for the sake of time, if people wanna reach out to you or check out your podcast, your websites, anything on Linktree, whatever, How can people get in touch with you?
So if you would like to see more about what makes me happy, as well as what makes other people happy, for the sake of your own happiness so that you can start living more in alignment with what you value, like we touched on before, just Google what makes you happy podcast.
You'll find our Instagram, our website. We post a lot of really cool graphics like you said, and the short on Instagram, and it is really cool. Seriously, I look at it every day and I'm like, I can't believe we have created this.
This is a phenomenal thing Mhmm. That's the best place just check out. 1 makes you happy dot podcast to put on Instagram or even follow through what Porter's posted as well because it'll all link back.
Yeah, man. And everybody listening exactly like Jake brought up will have all of those links for the podcast. And to be able to reach out to Jake in the show notes for this.
However, if you're unable to access those or there's some technical difficulties, feel free to reach out through transacting value, and we can get you guys in touch as well. That's not a problem.
But, Jake, again, for the sake of time, man, I appreciate the opportunity To have this conversation, your willingness to actually have it and still be vulnerable and just open up a little bit more about you instead of just focusing on other people.
So first of all, thank you. Hey. It's been an absolute pleasure, and I love talking about myself -- Yeah. -- which everyone publicly tell. But I like the opposite as well as hearing about other people as well.
Yeah. This was a great interview, and I appreciate it. But folks were out of time. So Thank you for listening in to our core values for December of faith, hope, and joy.
I also wanna thank you for tuning in and listening to our second annual Christmas special here on transacting value where we actually covered a little bit more directly how to reconnect with yourself by learning how to better reconnect with other people.
Now I would also like to thank all of Jake's influences and obviously what makes you happy cast his personal training clients, his family, his friends for being able to provide inspiration to this podcast, this particular interview.
But also to our show partners, Keystone Farmers Market, Hoff and Clucker Farms, and Bussprout for your distribution. Thank you very much.
Folks, if you're interested in joining our conversation or you want to discover our other interviews, check out transacting value podcast dot com. Follow along on social media, send an email survival dad y t at gmail dot com.
Also, if you want to get in touch. Otherwise, we have new interviews streaming every Monday at 9AM Eastern Standard Time. But until then, that was transacting value.

Jake Pearson
Podcast Host
In this podcast, our mission is to break down what it means to be happy.
Through our short 5-minute format, we get to speak with amazing guests
worldwide to hear what makes them happy.
Happiness comes in all shapes and sizes, so we hope that we can inspire others to find
what makes them truly happy in their lives, and learn from others while they share their story.