Where do I find podcasts to listen to?
I was confused too. I knew about Spotify or Apply Music, and I knew that some podcasts had their own websites too; but I didn't even know what to search. Thinking of death scrolling through pages of results for "you should listen to this podcast" -type results was not high on my priority list. But I wasn't sure how to narrow down my search parameters either. There are so many different genres and options. What mood was I even in to want to listen to informal talks or in-depth analysis of some more meaningful topic? All of it became less appealing the more I thought about it. Crazier still, I grew up listening to talk radio. To me it all seemed like it was a pointless endeavor with minimal differences, until I got into the podcasting community. The more exposure I got and the more people who I got to know, I learned that the options to access podcasts are limited. Websites, dedicated streaming services, and that's about it. I started with Spotify. I looked into Audible. I was already listening to audio books anyway. And then I found out that there are dozens of streaming-dedicated websites, or specifically oriented podcast websites like TransactingValuePodcast.com. If the show is appealing enough to me, I'll go to the website, otherwise I prefer to listen to them now without visiting. I visit them when the internet gods prod me their direction. The digital Poseidon that guides my networking ship through the waves of the cybersea pings through SEO keywords, but I just sit back and enjoy the ride. I love seeing how many speakers plug each other's podcasts, like #CommunicationTwentyFourSeven or #HowtoTradeIt. I find new shows through the "Related Shows" links on occasion too.
No matter how you find your podcasts, survival takes communication. Welcome to the team!