Transacting Value Podcast - Instigating Self-worth
Transacting Value Podcast
May 23, 2023

What are the disadvantages of a moral education?

What are the disadvantages of a moral education?

What are the disadvantages of a moral education?

There aren't many. If anything, learning about or actually assimilating cultural and societal morals into your education can only ever breed one of three things. One aspect is an increased curiosity to learn more about other cultures, perspectives, and ways of integrating into the world. A second aspect is that within that growing process, you may realize that you are enjoying the learning process about how people better each others lives through humanities and positive social interaction. Really, the only other third outcome is that we, as individuals, become better people. These all allow us to treat ourselves and each other with more dignity and respect.
There are too many opportunities for division and social strife. That's not new, and it likely will never be considered new. But what it does show very clearly is that despite all scales of conflict, humans can overcome together. One impactful person with a following then becomes ethically responsible for the gravity of their message. Resonance of that message will carry through time regardless of how virtuous or immoral its outcome. Immoral people can be influential just as much as positively impactful orators. But moral people can also be a bit rough around the edges too, because we are all human. People makes mistakes; people grow through friction.
None of this growth is done alone though. People are able to reason and process through various perspectives and inputs consciously and unwittingly. As author Cindy Dagnan put it on our podcast #TransactingValuePodcast, "I think we want to spend this life on the things that outlast it." That endears us to each other because we all innately want to better our future generations. That's why it's important to remember that more learning happens in schools due to time spent and proximity to other humans. More educating happens in life due to effort spent and proximity to other varied perspectives.
Despite varied perspectives, we all have a moral structure in common. Iron sharpens iron. However you view the benefits or disadvantages, we have way more in common than what separates us. Survival takes communication.
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