How profitable is the media production industry?
That's a heavy question. Namely because the media production industry as a whole is primarily an artform, not a consistently producing machine. Industry, here, is more a process. So then how profitable is the process? Well, now we're back to the attitude of consumption in a given arena or through a particular medium.
Think of it like this: out of the possible 168 hours in a week, if a person anywhere in a developed nation with consistent access to information through any media source (let's say print, digital, or social) consumed content just 10% of the total time = that's about 2 hours total per day. Assuming each person valued their time to evenly be worth the current US minimum wage average of $7.25 per hour = $15 per day/$105 per week/$5,460 per year x even 5 Million people worldwide = $27.3 Billion dollars per year!!!
Got any ideas that could be produced for cheaper than that? That's how profitable your media production company could be.