Transacting Value Podcast - Instigating Self-worth
Transacting Value Podcast
March 3, 2023

How do you know what will work?

How do you know what will work?

How do you know what will work?

I identified gaps in my process. I started with a direction, Down. I jumped head first instead of dipping toes. What I did have in the beginning was knowing that I learn better by doing. Reading the death scrolls and TLDR posts wasn't for me. Maybe it's not for you either. I tried listening to the videos on YT but eventually got sidetracked and ended up with more post-it notes and legal pads of good advice to remember for later as opposed to what I might have needed up front. Focusing was difficult because there was so much information readily available. Through what seemed like endless circles of information, I just had to start somewhere and take the result on the chin, whatever came of it. Because information moves at the speed of life, I didn't know what would work. I felt like I lived under a rock compared to some of the speakers and videos that I came across. What I did definitively learn though was what didn't work for me. I was a startup Indie podcaster with little direction, guidance, or team. So I focused on me, my strengths, process, and weaknesses. Oh, the results? Jury's still out. This is a long game. I didn't start to be #Usain. I started with a decades goal, and a decade plan, with a yearly set of benchmarks for my company growth, and a daily grind to reach it. Measure in the short-term, you may think things aren't working. Measure in the long-term against your average with consistency and drive. You're bound to appreciate somehow. .