Can we really teach values?
Yes. We can teach values, courtesies, customs, cultural awareness, social awareness, even the importance of treating people with dignity as equals. But what we cannot teach is how to interpret those stimuli or catalysts. This podcast, Transacting Value, is about the role and impact of values and character development within a given industry. Teaching doesn't imply learning; teaching doesn't have to be done in a classroom. Then why does teaching as a capability have to directly correlate to the effectiveness of the learning? What we teach is not always what gets learned. We as humans, interpret our surroundings, environments, friends and other people, cultures, customs, etc in ways that are unique to each one of us. And that's okay. That's normal. The fact that we speak different languages is irrelevant. The events that I dream of may be the same events that somebody in a different culture on the other side of the world also dreams of. The language that I hear in my dreams is the language my brain is used to processing, So it's relative to wherever I live. The look of the people in my dreams are a combination of all of the people that I'm more or most familiar with looking at. Somebody on the other side of the world may see people that they are more or most familiar with who they look at. It doesn't change the fact that we both have dreams. It doesn't change the fact that we both interpret life in a unique way to each of us. People can influence.
Look at YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Tiktok. All of the more famous or popular, social media profiles and channels on those platforms are considered influencers. They are not considered guides. The amount of influence we exert as humans is directly proportional to how and by however many people receive what we broadcast into the world. That's it. Consider this though: if the amount of influence somebody has results in other people changing their behaviors, physical actions, words they use, or subjects in conversation that they discuss, but they don't have as many views or subscribers, then does that mean they are now less of an influencer or just more influential? People influence each other because we are social creatures. Everybody, all of us. No matter where you are in the world, the more isolated you are, the more difficult it is to feel fulfilled in your life. You may be happy; appreciate solitude; or prefer introversion. That's okay. But all things considered, as a brighter, cheerier, more fulfilled person, able to contribute to a village, tribe, or society, you can't do that alone. So to more positively impact the conversation around values and character development, follow the Green Tracks to Where Perspectives Meet Values every Monday morning at 9AM EST on our website or everywhere your favorite podcast are streamed. And we'll meet you there.
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